Here Without You (Red Hook 4) - Page 28

Alana bit her lip with concern. Noah sat back down at the table. “Might as well eat since we are all here.”

“Let me get some specials for you all for lunch.” She walked away and into the kitchen.

“See you later, Tony.” Alicia patted his arm. “Call me later so we can practice.”

After she laughed, Drake arched his eyebrow and wiggled it. “Practice what?”

Matt and Noah laughed, but Tony glared at Drake across the table. “We’re doing a pool tournament together. We are friends, Lopez.”

Matt was secretly pleased Alicia seemed to be pulling his brother out of his hermit cave. He just hoped the young girl wasn’t playing games with his brother’s emotions.

* * * *

Matt was worried about the scene earlier at The Hacienda. Gossip had already spread like wildfire through the town, and people were upset and calling the station. Noah told everyone to not approach the men and pick a fight.

Noah hung up, looking frustrated. “This is a freakin’ mess.”

Tony passed a folder filled with pictures around. “I looked them assholes up. The older man is Mario Novak, a well- known drug dealer in Houston. The other two work for him. Low-class criminals. The smartass is Gilbert Munoz. Has a violent record a mile long. The other one is William Howell. Haven’t found much on him yet, but I’m looking.”

They all looked at the pictures, especially Sam and Greg, who hadn’t been at the restaurant. Noah ran his fingers through his hair. “Shit. I’m sure I am getting an ulcer.”

Tension filled the room. Helen came in, looking grim. “Bad news, boss.”

Noah looked resigned and waited for her to announce her news. It was obvious to all of them he was expecting another drug overdose. “Mr. Wilson at the motel called. He has a dead body in one of his rooms. Unknown male.”

“Shit,” Noah muttered. “Okay, Helen. Close up, lock the doors. Go home and stay there.”

“It’s going to be long night,” Drake said, pulling out his cell phone. “I am going to tell Jasmine to stay with her aunt and lock all the doors.”

Matt went out into the hallway to call Holly. He needed to hear her voice and make sure Liam and Adam were around.

* * * *

“That was Matt.” Holly sat next to Faith on the couch after talking to Matt. She told her sister and Adam what Matt said. Hope was already asleep for the night and Liam was at work.

“I called in already.” Adam frowned, looking worried. “I am not leaving you girls here all alone here. I warned Liam to stay alert, too.”

He stood up. “I am making sure all the doors are locked. I think you should stay the night, Holly.”

Holly nodded. Her stomach was tied in knots. She was worried someone would get hurt. Matt had promised to text her and keep her updated. She had already heard from Alicia was happened at the restaurant earlier. She was glad they had run off scared, but the men were probably still in town, and that worried her. She said a silent prayer for the safe return of all of them.

* * * *

They were all shocked to find Gerald’s body at the hotel. Matt was actually speechless, and he stood by the bed. The room was neat, as if Gerald had not even put up a fight.

“What the hell? I thought he was working with Novak.” Noah looked bewildered at Gerald’s body. Gerald was lying on the bed with a bullet hole in his head.

“This is messed up,” Drake said. “He brings them here to work with him and this happens. What went wrong?”

Greg pulled Noah to the side and said something in his ear. Noah frowned, but nodded. He looked at Drake. “Drake, get everyone away from this room.”

Drake nodded and went outside to get all the gawkers away from the room. Sam had already been out there trying to keep people back.

Matt’s curiosity rose when Noah closed the door. He motioned for Greg, and Greg opened the connecting room door. A petite blonde girl came in through the door. She had been crying and her black mascara was dripping down her cheeks. She looked around the room nervously. Noah had covered Gerald’s body with a blanket. She walked around the bed quickly and sat in one of the chairs by the wall.

Noah kneeled in front of her. She looked young and scared. “Greg tells me you were here.”

Matt sucked a breath in. An eyewitness. Maybe they could finally wrap this case up.

Tags: Lee Rose Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024