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Here Without You (Red Hook 4)

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“Shit, this is a mess.” Drake sighed. “I want these assholes out of our town.”

Matt followed him out to his car. Drake was speaking into his cell phone. “Just lock up the store, Jazz. Go home with Kate and keep the doors locked. I’ll keep in touch. Yes, we will find her.”

“We’ll find her, Matt. We all love Holly. Jasmine is hysterical. I don’t want her at the store. Who is to say they’re not in town, lurking around? Look how they walked into the Hacienda and started trouble.” He started his car and pulled away from Holly’s house.

“I know.” Matt frowned. He prayed that they hadn’t harmed her in any way. He would have no mercy if they did.

Chapter 16

Holly stood before Mario Novak, shaking in her tennis shoes. She tried to appear calm, but it wasn’t easy. He was well dressed and handsome as long as you didn’t look into his eyes. They were scary. He had a hard, mean look that was very int

imidating. His light brown hair was slicked back and he had on more gold than she would ever be able to afford.

“I can see why Gerald was so obsessed with you.” He leaned back in his chair, looking her body over. It gave her the chills, and she was tempted to cover her breasts with her hands.

They were in some strange house outside of town. Morehead wasn’t far away. She was afraid for Liam. He had been lying so still, and she prayed he wasn’t dead. She knew Faith would get worried when Holly didn’t answer her cell. She had left it lying on the kitchen counter. “Did you know he stole drugs from me and gave them to your would-be kidnapper?”

“No,” she answered in a low, shaky voice. “I didn’t know Gerald or his brother Pete. I was at the wrong place at the wrong time.”

“You’re a nurse, right?” he asked. His two goons sat in the living room watching a baseball game.

She nodded, feeling nauseous. She wanted to be back at her sister’s house. Why had she insisted on getting clothes? “What do you want with me? I haven’t done anything to you. I don’t understand what any of this is about.”

“After hearing Gerald obsess over you so much, I was curious.” He shrugged, speaking casually as if they had just met on the street and were exchanging pleasantries. She wanted to shout and yell out, “Are you crazy?” She had to stay calm and think of a way out of this. She hoped they were searching for her but they didn’t know where she was. She didn’t know where she was.

“I have big plans to take over Gerald’s clientele here in this little town. I find the town charming,” he informed her. The words scared her, but inside, she knew Noah and the others would not stand for this. “I’d like you to be my girl. You’re sexy and quiet, two things I like in a woman.”

Was he asking her or telling her? “Um, no thanks. I have a boyfriend.”

He laughed out loud. “Hey, Gilbert, she politely told me no.”

The other two men shook their heads with amusement and went back to the game.

Mario Novak stood up and stepped close to her. Her heart started beating wildly. He caressed her hair and she shivered with fear. “I wasn’t asking, darling. I take what I want. When I am here, I expect you to entertain me.”

What nerve, she thought angrily. She was about to open her mouth and tell him off when a loud buzzing noise filled the air. She jumped with fright, and all three men got still. Novak moved his head and the two men drew guns and went out the door.

“Seems we have an intruder.” He kissed her cheek, then dragged her to a back room and pushed her inside. “Be a good girl and take your clothes off. We’ll get better acquainted as soon as I take care of this small problem.”

He closed the door and locked it. Holly looked around. The room was bare, with only a bed in the middle of the room. Like hell was she taking her clothes off. She’d fight him off, but she was not giving in. She ran for the window and found it locked. She looked around. It was daylight. She couldn’t see anyone outside. She unlocked the window and tried to open it. It was hard, but she finally opened it enough to fit through. She pushed the screen until it fell out. It made a noise and she winced, waiting for someone to come and yell at her. When she heard nothing, she climbed out.

“Ouch.” She let out a curse when she scraped her leg on a rusty nail. She jumped down and landed on her feet. She had no idea which way to run, but she figured anywhere was better than here. Who knew how long they would be gone? Why hadn’t she grabbed her phone? She headed for the thick brush of trees. Please Lord, let Matt or someone be out there searching for me.

* * * *

Matt and Drake went one way on the ATVs and Jack and Tony went the opposite way. Matt’s heart was in his throat, but he was determined to find Holly as soon as possible. Noah had called Drake to let them know Liam was awake. He had a concussion and was being kept overnight. The man he had seen sounded like the smartass in the restaurant, Gilbert Munoz. Noah and Adam were on their way to help with the search. Everyone in town knew what happened, and were keeping an eye out for Holly.

Matt was on his ATV going around a tree when he spotted a male figure running through the woods with a gun in his hand. He spoke through his mic, letting everyone know. He headed his way with Drake going the other way, and they met up in the middle. Matt had drawn his gun out. He recognized it was Gilbert Munoz.

“Stop right there!” Matt yelled out. Gilbert turned and shot at him. Matt ducked and could have sworn he felt the bullet fly by his ear. “Son of a bitch,” he muttered.

Matt saw Drake coming behind Gilbert. He jumped off the ATV and the machine turned over and stopped. Drake surprised Gilbert and jumped him, knocking the gun out of Gilbert’s hand. Matt turned his off and jumped off to help Drake. The two were rolling around the ground punching each other. Matt grabbed Gilbert by his collar, shaking him. He was in no mood to play games.

“Where is the girl?” Matt growled.

Gilbert laughed. “Not to worry. The boss is showing her a good time, if you know what I mean.”

Matt wasn’t sure if he was telling the truth or not. If Novak touched Holly, he was a dead man. “Where is she?”

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