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Here Without You (Red Hook 4)

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Matt stepped in his path. “You are not taking her anywhere.” His voice was hard and icy.

Howell looked a little nervous. He must have realized Matt was a real threat, gun or no gun. He dug the gun into her head and she winced. She was nervous. She looked into Matt’s green eyes. This couldn’t be the last time she got the chance to stare in his beautiful eyes. She wanted a future with him. The past didn’t matter. She wanted to enjoy the now with him.

“I am the one with a gun, asshole. Move over,” Howell snapped, but his hand got a little shaky. Holly heard a zip and a pop, and Howell fell to the ground. She screamed, and Matt grabbed her and put her behind him. Howell rolled around the ground, holding his shoulder. “Who the hell shot me? Son of a bitch. I will kill him.”

Tony came out from behind a tree. He had a rifle hoisted on his shoulder. “I did, and I’ll shoot you again if you don’t shut up.”

Matt picked up Howell’s gun from the ground. “I suppose I have to read your rights now. You have the right to remain silent.”

“Fuck that. Call an ambulance, man!” he shouted, groaning with pain.

“Wait, you made me mess up. Now I have to start over.” Matt slapped his forehead.

Tony chuckled and spoke into his mic. Matt turned and hugged Holly tightly. She buried her face in his neck and cried. He looked at her. He put both of his hands on her cheek, looking as emotional as she felt. “Did any of them touch you?”

He spotted her busted lip and his eyes narrowed. He said one word. “Who?”

She pointed at the man on the ground still complaining about losing blood. Matt walked over to him. “You hit my woman?”

“That’s what you do to bitches that whine,” Howell spit out.

Matt picked him up off the ground and punched him in the jaw. He fell back down and stayed quiet.

“Maybe now you will stop whining,” Matt said through clenched teeth. They heard the sound of other ATVs. Jack was leading Sam and Noah toward them. Matt went back to hugging his woman. He wasn’t sure he’d be able to let go of her anytime soon.

Chapter 18

Colorful yellow and red paper streamers and green balloons were hung from the trees and fence, giving the yard a festive feel. A huge white banner read “Happy Birthday Hope and Carlos.” Both children were born in July. A colorful piñata hung from the tree, but the yard was quiet.

Matt set his gifts on the empty, decorated picnic table and looked around. The yard seemed empty, but Adam told him Faith was in the backyard, along with Alana. He would never have shown up alone for a children’s party. Children were fragile but energetic creatures, and he was afraid he might step on one.

Tony, his older brother looked at him like he had lost his mind when he admitted he was going to the party. Noah had invited all his employees to his son’s birthday party. Holly was back to work at the hospital and had promised to meet him here.

“Hello?” he shouted out loud. He spotted a huge red-and-yellow bouncy house and thought he heard giggling, but it was too early for the party. He walked quietly to the air-filled house. He opened the flap and stuck his head in. To his surprise, he was face-to-face with Alana Garcia Blake. Alana was lying down and covering the laugh threatening to escape her mouth. Faith was still bouncing up and down in the corner.

Alana held her hand out to Matt. Her long, dark hair was spread everywhere. She on had denim shorts and a pretty red floral shirt and did not look like any mother he knew. “Help a girl up, please.”

Matt stuck his hand out and Alana grabbed it, and he helped her stand up. She smiled her thanks. “We had to check out the bouncy house. For safety reasons.”

Faith nodded solemnly, her red hair bouncing with her. “We can’t have children in there if we don’t know it’s safe.”

They giggled in unison and started bouncing again. Unprepared, Matt lost his balance and fell, knocking Alana over again. He wrapped his arms around her to stop her from falling out onto the ground. She landed on his chest with a thud.

Alana giggled. “I forgot how fun it is to do this.”

Faith stood in the corner, laughing so hard her cheeks were pink. She wore denim shorts, too, and a blue T-shirt that went over her small, rounded belly. She was finally feeling better and gaining weight.

Matt was trying to figure out how to get out of this contraption. They put small children in these things? He thought that was the craziest idea.

Holly opened the flap and her blue eyes widened with shock. Matt thought she might be mad to find Alana lying on top of him, but she burst out laughing. “This is not what I expected when I heard giggling. I expected to find my niece and her friends in here.”

Matt groaned and sat up. Alana rolled away, trying to stand on the soft surface. “We’d better get out of here before my husband comes.”

“Too late,” Noah said, standing there with his arms folded across his chest. Matt could see the mirth in his eyes and knew he was going to be teased about this. Now he was glad Tony refused to come with him. He’d never hear the end of it.

“I see my wife is causing trouble again,” Noah said, trying to look stern.

“Oh, please.” Alana rolled her eyes. Her long, black hair was flowing around her shoulders. “Help me, will you? Maybe I am too old for this. I can’t even get back up.”

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