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Promises Part 4 (Bounty Hunters 4)

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Brian watched her roll her eyes, slam the car door shut and lean against it. She looked upwards and murmured something, but he only caught the word please before she turned her head and walked back inside. She was overdressed for winter cleaning.

“The wife looks pretty fed up, B. Her man is up to his neck in legal troubles. Left her with no money, just a bunch of frozen assets. She’s done with him. Too materialistic to care if he’s okay. She’s not helping him.” Dana stared at the photos of the woman then groaned, rubbing his hands over his messy hair. “Maybe I’m off.”

Brian huffed a laugh. “You’re not off. Trust your instincts. She’s strung pretty tight. But, we’ll keep tabs on her still.”

When they returned to the office, Duke and Quick were both there and he and Dana quickly filled them in on their assumptions about their white-collar jumper.

Duke sat behind his large, cluttered desk. He looked good in his fitted slacks and blue striped wide-collared shirt. Brian had no doubt Duke’s lover, Vaughan, had picked that shirt for him because the man had incomparable style. “Your duty is to retrieve him and get him into custody. Nothing more. Got it?”


“Was that an okay?” Duke signed a backwards okay, making Brian lift one side of his mouth at his boss’s attempt. He signed the correct sign for okay and stood, stretching his long frame. He’d been holed up in his car all day and his body was feeling it.

“If you see this going south, Brian. Let us know. We’ll suit up,” Quick told him.

Brian nodded.

“Yep,” Dana agreed.

They both got up to leave Duke’s office and went to their own desks. Brian hoped it didn’t come to that, because when they all suited up, terrible things happened—to other people.

His phone buzzed on his hip while he pulled up the photos he’d taken of their jumper’s wife. He had a sneaking hunch that Robert Clarkson, or someone, was going to show up there, the only question was: When? Brian looked at his screen and saw it was Sway.

Sway: Hi Brian. Was wondering if you were still up for company tonight? My mom’s nurse was able to stay. I can be there by five-thirty.

Brian didn’t let five seconds go by before he responded, letting Sway know that he was more than still up for it.

Brian: I’ll be waiting.

Brian grinned. He’s not cancelling. He’d wanted to text Sway all day and beg him to show up tonight, to not cancel or say he couldn’t make it. But, he’d held on to his pride and refrained. Brian thought Sway’s reasoning would be how tired he was, because surely after working two shifts almost back-to-back yesterday and an entire shift today had to have him practically dead on his feet, but he was still coming.

“And what’s got you smiling so damn hard over there. I don’t look like that unless Ford says he has something waiting for me at home.” Dana’s voice went low. “If you know what I mean.

“I don’t want to know what you mean. So if you keep talking I’m going to throw this at you.” Brian picked up the first thing he could reach, which ended up being his stapler. But he could hardly keep the happy grin off his face. He’d have Sway all to himself in his home. In his space.

“That must’ve been, Squirt.”

Brian didn’t break eye contact. Dana needed to know that Brian was serious about being with Sway. Oh, hell yes. He was going to date his friend’s little brother who he’d looked after so diligently. “He’s coming over tonight.”

“So much for going slow,” Dana mumbled.

“I’ll give him what he needs.” Which was his attention, and maybe a little rest. Brian wasn’t interested in attacking Sway as soon as he stepped through his front door. No, he was going to show him he had a real man who understood his needs. A man who wasn’t always about getting off. He’d take care of Sway the way he always took care of everyone else. Even before he was able to go out and have a nice time tonight, he’d had to make sure his mom’s care was covered.

“Wonderful,” Dana said sarcastically, turning back to his computer, not liking Brian’s answer.

Brian slapped his hand onto the solid surface of his desk to get Dana’s attention. When he had it he motioned slowly. “He needs my attention. That’s all I plan to give him,” Brian said honestly. All I’m going to give him tonight. Tomorrow might be different. “Some food and company.”

Dana seemed to really like that answer because he scooted his chair closer, “What are you having?”

Brian opened his speech app. “That’s a damn good question. I don’t want to order out, or take him to a crowded restaurant. But all I have is quick meals because I haven’t shopped.” Brian thought again about what was in his cupboards, and fridge. Shit. Not much. “I’ll have to go to the store.”

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