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Promises Part 4 (Bounty Hunters 4)

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He’s just being nice.

“You can call me Sway.” No one had described his work like that before. Nurses gave patients the emotional support and care they needed when in the hospital and Sway was surprised to hear Dr. Dominick not only admit that, but seem to admire and appreciate it.

Dr. Dominick chuckled softly. “Sure, Sway.”

Sway needed to go. It was ten past five, and he didn’t want to wait another second to get to his final destination. “I’ll see you on Monday. Have a good weekend, Dr. Dominick.” Sway hefted his book bag onto his shoulder and headed to the locker room entrance.

“Hey, Sway.”

He was at the door when Dr. Dominick said his name. He looked back and had to make sure to check his first reaction—to drop his jaw—on seeing the virile doctor standing there in nothing but a pair of briefs and a cocky smile.

“Call me James, please. I prefer my friends did.” Dr. Dominick took his towel and draped it over his shoulder and turned to walk towards the showers. Sway didn’t gawk as his strong back moved like a tiger’s. Muscles and tendons in perfect sync. It did nothing for him. Sway hurried out of the locker room. Dr. Dominick was going to be his boss. The man was a legend at Emory and Sway had no reason to question his professionalism.

Just because you have the sexiest man alive vying to spend time with you, doesn’t mean every man is interested. Sway talked his fool head down and practically jogged to his car. All other thoughts vanished and only one image flashed across his mind.

Brian welcoming him into his home.

Sway followed the GPS to Brian’s street in Berkeley Park. It wasn’t far from his own apartment and only about twenty minutes from his job. It was dark out, but he knew this area well, having been born and raised in A.T.L. Brian lived on Berkeley Avenue, right on the northwest curve, around the corner from Dana. The neighborhood was nice with quiet, spacious, ranch-style homes. Lush trees lined the street and towered over the homes, providing a kind of permanently shaded community. No doubt that was amazing during the dreaded Atlanta summers. The houses were close enough to wave to a neighbor from the porch but still far enough apart to give a sense of privacy.

Turning into the driveway, he remembered he’d meant to stop and pick up a quick bite to eat so his stomach wasn’t growling like last time, but in his excitement to get there he’d forgotten all about it. There was something else Sway wanted to empty more. Don’t be a tramp. If he was going to make this work with Brian, they had to have more than just the physical in common. So far, everything about the man intrigued him. Now, sitting in front of the nice home, he surveyed the lawn and well-kept flower bed with some fall foliage nestled between thorny bushes. He wouldn’t’ve been able to see it if the motion lights hadn’t activated as soon as he’d pulled up. Staring at the house and the outside, Sway wondered if Brian came out on warm days in a large gardening hat and gloves and got down on his hands and knees and planted those pansies or did he hire someone. He looked at the new windows where the garage once had been, there was a bright red building inspection permit displayed on the front. Is he remodeling? Sway groaned. Why was he still sitting there next to Brian’s sleek car asking himself silly questions?

He checked his phone one last time to see if his mom’s nurse had answered his text from earlier. Tweetie had texted him back that everything was fine, and his mom had just finished eating dinner and they were getting ready to put away her goodies she got at the market before it was time for their prime-time shows. Tweetie’s last text made him laugh and gag all at the same time.

Tweetie: My cuzin Jamar. Remember the gay barber?? He said something about lubricashun being important. Did I type that right? Do you got some of that shuga?

Oh God, why me? He put the phone on vibrate and tucked it into his book bag, not daring to dignify any of that with a response. Okay, he was going to have to really find this Jamar and tell him he’s giving his sweet little cousin way too much information. Sway got out the car and made quick work getting to the door. He was dillydallying. He wiped his hands on his jeans one last time and pushed the doorbell. He took a calming breath and released it slowly just as the door opened.

The relaxing breath did nothing, because the sight of Brian in lounging pants and a black wife beater—that couldn’t hide the ample, slick black hair on his chest—made Sway’s heart do that flippy thing when he was nervous. Instead of passing out, he swallowed hard and gripped the porch railing. Maybe his fatigue and elevated heart rate were making him feel this way and not how sexy Brian was. His cock thickened when one side of Brian’s mouth kicked up, as if he knew all of Sway’s dirty thoughts. Brian unlocked the screen door and moved to the side to hold it open. Next thing he’d noticed was Brian had cut quite a bit of length off the top of his head; the man bun was gone. He liked it. It was mature and sexy. Sway moved down from that handsome face to Brian’s thick biceps in that tank top and the way they flexed while he held the heavy door. As Sway got his legs to move, he stepped past his host and into the dark foyer. He looked around quickly before his eyes went right back to Brian’s chest. He smelled delicious, or was that coming from the kitchen? Maybe both.

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