Promises Part 4 (Bounty Hunters 4) - Page 52

“Feels sexy,” Sway moaned, his eyes drifting lower. He had no clue he could get so turned on by a man being armed. Dana carried all the time but he’d never paid any attention to it, never cared. There was just something about Brian that made Sway want to do something out of his norm; and acting like a sex-depraved, gun-slut was definitely one of them. Sway closed his eyes all the way and imagined Brian with that deadly weapon in his hand, using his military-trained skills to capture criminals. Before Sway knew it, he’d moaned out loud and thrust his hips forward. God, he could only imagine Brian’s dark body, lurking in the night. So damn quiet. Sway reluctantly moved his hand away from the hardware and slid it up the strong planes of Brian’s back, feeling them twitch under his caress. “My silent hunter.”

Sway felt a gust of hot breath across his cheek as strong fingers with blunt nails pulled on the curls at the nape of his neck. He slowly opened his eyes and saw Brian staring down at him like he’d never seen him before. Oh shit. Had he said that last part out loud? He hadn’t thought so. But, why was Brian frowning like that?

Sway straightened some. “I’m… I was only…”

“The things you say with that pretty mouth,” Brian admitted, backing away from Sway and taking his amazing heat with him.

Sway smiled nervously and dropped the slutty performance. He wanted to show Brian he meant what he was about to say. “I mean everything I say,” he signed first then thought carefully how to word what he truly felt about Brian. “I’ve steered away from relationships for a long time. Under the premise that nothing good lasts forever. It’s a sad motto to live by, but I didn’t realize that until I met you.” Sway shook his head unbelievingly. “You think your mutism is unattractive but it’s not. Do you know what a relief it is to be able to feel what you’re saying… that you use your touch to express yourself?” Sway breathed deeply. “It’s so damn special to speak with you, Brian.”

Brian was watching him closely, expressions of surprise, and relief shadowing his features and making them shine.

“You’re so special that maybe I’m feeling a tad… inadequate.” Sway shrugged as if it was nothing, but he hadn’t meant to say that last part. He wasn’t insecure on a regular day, but paired with a war hero he began to question his own accomplishments. They were few and far between. He’d taken care of his mom after her crushing heartbreak and decline in health, and graduated with his masters… then he’d gone to work. Big deal. He did what the rest of the world does. Brian had lived so much more than him. Seen the world… protected it. Sway just wanted to know he was good enough. Was Brian settling? Sway quickly dismissed the thought. He wasn’t chopped liver, he was a good man. A caring man and all he wanted to do was care for the heart directly in front of him, crying out for comfort. He had an abundance to give.

Brian shook his head, stopping Sway’s doubt. He pushed him back against the wall, using his pelvis to pin him there while he signed. “Inadequate?” Brian growled. He actually growled. A rolling rumble deep down in his chest that Sway felt down in his bones. It wasn’t particularly loud, but it didn’t take away from its power. Sway shivered, bracing his hands on Brian’s thick pecs. “Impossible.”

“I’m just a nurse—a measly five-foot eight man who still lives with his mom—but I’ve never been a quitter,” Sway whispered with conviction, lightly fingering the collar of Brian’s shirt, the part that covered the deeps scars along his throat. Sway was always drawn to that secret place. The one Brian only let him touch.

“If you give me a chance. I’ll show you you’re so much more than that, Sway.”

A week later, Sway was still thinking about the things Brian had admitted to him. Sway guessed he was in a relationship now. They’d both agreed to give this a good ole-fashioned try. He was being courted. Sway smiled.


Sway jerked and looked up to see that all eyes around the large boardroom table were on him. Crap. What did I miss?

“I already saw the nurse’s schedules. He cc’d us in the email he sent this morning.” Dr. Chauncey answered to Dr. Dominick, effectively bailing Sway out, because he had no clue what he’d been asked.

“Oh. My secretary must’ve printed it before I saw it. My apologies.” Dr. Dominick was watching Sway with curious eyes. “Do you have anything additional to report Nurse Hamilton before we wrap up for today?”

Sway swallowed but stood confidently. The department head meeting had gone well, albeit long, but their first potential candidates arrived the beginning of next week. Dr. Chauncey and Dr. Dominick were adamant about running a clean and effective trial. That was why Sway needed to speak up. He was the charge nurse and he’d been all ready to discuss his new team’s concerns, but not with Dr. Dominick staring at him like that. As if he knew what had Sway lost in thought a moment ago. When he thought he had Sway’s undivided attention as he spoke… but he didn’t. Only one man held his thoughts. It wasn’t possible anyone could know the reason for his recent smiles and dreamy stares. The only one who knew of his new budding romance was his best friend and mom. With that assurance swimming at the back of his head Sway held up one finger before Dr. Dominick could dismiss them all.

Tags: A.E. Via Bounty Hunters Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024