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Promises Part 4 (Bounty Hunters 4)

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“Yes. I have one last mention. The nurses have expressed a concern about some negative attitudes from a couple of the physicians they’re assigned to. We understand how serious and stressful this work can be and we only want to help simplify your lives and make your patients comfortable. So, I simply want to ask that the physicians be a little more courteous not only to my nurses but to all the staff throughout the duration.” Sway made eye contact with one of the other nephrologists and a visiting oncologist—the reason he had to make this statement in the first place—before his eyes returned to his bosses.

Dr. Dominick stood. “Your concern isn’t small by any means.” Dr. Dominick looked around the table making stern eye contact with everyone, especially the physicians. “If we receive a complaint about anyone engaging in disrespectful behavior, they will find themselves subject of a speedy investigation that will most likely lead to your removal from the case. You were all hand-selected by my team, so I hate to say it like this, but you are all replaceable. There are alternates waiting to take your place if you can’t display proper work etiquette. Do not think you can mistreat the staff here at Emory and not have repercussions. You will. And they’ll be harsh and swift,” Dr. Dominick’s voice boomed. “You will treat everyone in this facility with respect, whether they’re from janitorial, admin, or the damn hospital president. Am I clear?”

There were jerky nods around the table before Dr. Chauncey took over.

“Nurse Hamilton. Thank you for voicing your staff’s concerns. If you have any other issues, I’d like you to bring them to me, directly,” Dr. Chauncey said and quickly dismissed everyone with one of his encouraging smiles. “Good meeting. I’ll see everyone bright and early on Monday morning.”

Sway: I’m over today. It’s been a mess and weird. So. How was your day?

Brian: Long, boring

Sway: No kicking in doors?

Brian: Nope. Just staring at the same door for the past three hours. Lurking and watching.

Sway: Ohhh, naughty... Take a picture of that.

Brian huffed a laugh at the camera and winking emoji Sway sent with his message. Sway was hilarious when he was tired. Brian checked his watch. Sway would be getting off in an hour. It was almost closing time for him as well. After dark, he’d see if there was any activity in the otherwise quiet home. He didn’t know why he kept coming to the suspect’s house, where the wife still lived. It would be ridiculous for their jumper to show up there, it was the first place a recovery agent would look, but Brian had a suspicion that he would and soon. Ford and Dana were watching the parents’ home. Ford had one suspicion and Brian had another. May the best brother win.

Brian: I’ll take a picture of something else.

Brian waited. He and Sway had gotten a lot more comfortable with their flirting over the past week. He didn’t want to admit it—especially so soon—but he’d missed him these past several days.

Sway: I think I’d prefer the real thing.

Brian: Then come get it.

Brian was smiling and enjoying the teasing so much that he hadn’t noticed the dark Buick slowly pull to a stop a couple of houses down. The phone buzzed in his lap again, but he had to ignore it. The fine hairs on the back of his neck rose and his fingers tingled. Brian reached over and picked up his camera. That fast, he had the vehicle’s license plate, make and model memorized but he hurried to snap some photos of the figure inside. Brian couldn’t advance, he didn’t know who was in the car, but he would soon. The car sat for about ten minutes, then pulled away from the curb. The person inside was eyeing their suspect’s house so hard, they hadn’t even noticed Brian’s vehicle on the other side one block up. He hoped he got a good enough photo to run some facial recognition because that wasn’t their suspect, but appeared to be a person of interest. Brian waited until the car turned the corner before he put his into gear and proceeded to tail him. When Brian was stuck at a long stop light, he picked up his cell and shot Duke and his team a quick text to let them know what he was doing in case he needed assistance, then he pulled up Sway’s last text.

Sway: That does sound better. I’m feeling bold and adventurous tonight.

Brian grinned again at the ‘hmmm’ emoji. Emojis, Brian huffed. He thought only high school kids used those, but Sway sure seemed to find them entertaining. He even tried to make Brian decode one of his texts where he used only emojis… like now. Brian shook his head at the image of an old movie projector and a dinner plate with a fork and spoon. Brian checked the light was still red before he responded.

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