Promises Part 4 (Bounty Hunters 4) - Page 64

Brian went over to his recliner, lifted the arm rest and removed his nine-millimeter. It was a way less powerful weapon than Brian or any member of his team carried but it would serve the purpose. Brian released the loaded clip and emptied each bullet, including the one in the chamber. He put the bullets back into the armrest and tucked the gun into his waist band. Nine minutes. Brian stopped and listened. Not a sound. A smile tugged at his lips again. You better hide good, sweet boy. Jesus help Sway when Brian found him, because he had no clue what he’d do with his prize when he had it.

Five minutes left, and Brian shut off the lights from the circuit panel. His home had enough moonlight filtering through the skylights in the foyer and the living room. Some rooms were darker than others, Sway would obviously gravitate to one of them, seeking safety in the shadows. But little did he know that that was where Brian lurked.

Brian was standing in the den when the countdown ended. He closed his eyes and took a calming breath. He wanted Sway so badly he could taste it. He thought about his baby and what he knew about him, which in the last few weeks had been quite a bit. He relished safety and comfort. If Brian was right—and he prayed, he was—Sway associated him with protection. He wouldn’t go into a room Brian rarely frequented. That eliminated the partially finished family room, the guest room and bath. Best hiding places were in the garage, but Sway would surely avoid there as well… for Brian’s sake. Brian moved stealthily to his bedroom. He peered around the wall before fully entering through the door. The fire provided a warm glow, making it easy for him… too easy. Brian turned and went back out, stalking across to his library. That was where he spent most of his time when home. Even in his boots, his steps were silent as he moved along the side of the room noting any disturbances. He zeroed in on his chaise. The book he’d been reading was now closed and the chaise had been pushed to the side a few inches. Ah, his attempt at a distraction. A ploy to throw me off your scent. How clever and totally ineffective, sweetboy. Brian took his time walking around the chaise then down the long wall of shelves. He lifted the lid on the large coffee table with the ample hidden storage compartment inside. That was one of the best hiding places, but his Sway had missed that one.

Brian listened some more, still hearing nothing as he crept along the hall, just barely pushing open doors, not far enough for them to make a creak. Brian paused at the guest bedroom, his neck hairs tingling. Brian’s head snapped towards the family room. He eased the partition to the side, realizing it hadn’t been moved, but Sway could’ve been smart enough to note that too. It was drafty in there. The furniture he’d ordered was still wrapped in plastic and shoved against the wall. The entertainment center was only partially put together; behind its seven-foot boards would be the only hiding place, other than the closet.

No Sway.

Brian wanted to growl again, but refrained. He’d been searching for six minutes now. He was hoping to find him in record time and drag it out for his enjoyment. He stayed still. Brian wasn’t ready to reveal his location. Sway didn’t know where he was yet—he could feel it—because a true hunter always knew when they became the hunted.

Brian glanced up and down the hall, turning to go back to his bedroom when his spine tingled, and his instincts told him to keep going. Brian moved farther down the dark hallway. The deeper he got, the darker it got and the more his pulse spiked. Brian looked to his left. The laundry door was cracked—it was always that way—but the door leading to his mudroom then his deck was closed —it was always open. Another arranged ploy. Brian went towards the laundry and deftly turned the knob, only cracking the door. Brian reached into his waistband and removed his piece. Out of habit, he pointed the business-end down and paused to listen. Not a peep. Brian took the piece and cocked the hammer hard. A terrified, sharp breath immediately followed.

Got you, baby.

That’s how they know I’m here.

Brian didn’t think Sway would go in there. There was no extra lighting or windows, and to top it off, Sway had only been in there once. His steps slowed and eased as he let the panicky breaths guide him to his treasure. There was a low shelf for folding and pressing, underneath was space for baskets and hampers. Brian gently pulled the middle basket out and cocked his weapon again. Another gasp of fear was released, and Brian was on him, hot and fast. He reached under the shelf and gripped Sway by the back of his neck – ever mindful, this was simulated, not squeezing too hard – and hauled him from under there. Sway chuckled nervously but all humor and amusement fell when Brian put his mouth to Sway’s ear and hissed a wicked, “Shhhh” before pushing him chest-first against the cool wall.

Tags: A.E. Via Bounty Hunters Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024