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Promises Part 4 (Bounty Hunters 4)

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Sway frowned. He wanted to say, ‘none of your damn business’ but a person couldn’t say that to their boss. “I have an important matter that needs my attention.”

“Like my very important clinical trial?”

Sway continued to stare, until Dr. Dominick gave him a slight smirk and waved off his last comment. “No problem. You can go. But, first—”

Sway turned back around.

“Here,” Dr. Dominick said casually and held an envelope out towards him.

Sway mechanically came forward and took it. “Is this something you want me to give to one of the nurses?”

The doctor laughed deeply. “No. I want you to be sure your tux is dusted off. Can’t have you making me look bad.”

Sway sputtered, “Excuse me?” while he opened the envelope. Inside was a ticket for the nurse’s gala. “Um. Yeah. We spoke about this. I’m not sure I’m going.”

“It’s mandatory,” Dr. Dominick said in a no nonsense tone.

Sway balked. It’s never been mandatory before. “How?”

“Because I said so.” Dr. Dominick licked his lips. “If you need assistance with a new tuxedo, let me know. Close the door behind you when you leave. Thank you.” And just like that, the conversation was over, and Sway was flabbergasted. He was confused if his boss was line-stepping or not. Had he just been ordered to be Dr. Dominick’s date? It sure sounded like it. Then he’d made it sound like, because of Sway’s position, he had to do it.

He wanted less and less to do with Dr. Dominick. He’d thought the guy was on the level. Not superior and egotistical like some of the other department heads. Sway hadn’t been so wrong in all his life. A person really showed their true colors when you hung around them long enough.

Brian squeezed harder, drawing Sway out of his musing. Brian had pushed his tray to the side and turned so Sway could lean into him.

“Wait. Are your ribs sore?” Sway asked, hesitating.

Brian grunted his disapproval and pulled Sway back to him. He wrapped both arms around him so his hands rested on his stomach. Brian lifted his T-shirt and rubbed the fine hairs on his belly. Sway sighed and leaned in more, enjoying the feel of Brian’s arms around him. He needed this.

With his hands still in front of Sway, he signed, “Are you going to tell me what’s wrong?”

“I don’t know how?” Sway groaned, rubbing his tired eyes. It was still daylight, but he was exhausted. He was realizing he slept better when he was pinned under Brian.

“Just say it? Is it your mom?”

Sway shook his head.

“Your boss?”

Sway tensed involuntarily, and Brian caught it.

“James Dominick?” Brian finger-spelled the doctor’s name.

Sway turned quickly, and Brian held in his wince when Sway clipped his ribs. “How do you—?”

“It’s what I do.”

“Jesus, Brian.”

“What’s he doing? Being a dickhead boss?”

“Worse,” Sway grumbled. “He’s being creepy.”

A glint of menace flitted across Brian’s dark eyes. He narrowed them and signed with hard, jerky movements, “What. Did. He. Do?” Brian glared. “Tell me!”

There was no mistaking from Brian’s gestures that he didn’t take kindly to someone encroaching on his territory. His growl was threatening and louder then Sway had heard before.

“Nothing.” Sway got up and paced, running his hand through his hair. “I don’t know. It’s these looks he gives me. He used to be in the locker room and he’d be staring…” Sway paused. He didn’t want to make something into nothing. It felt like harassment—because Sway was uncomfortable—but Dr. Dominick hadn’t technically done anything. “He hasn’t touched me, honey. Calm down, please. I was ready to ignore the strange looks.” Sway was conveniently avoiding using the words flirty, wanting, needy looks. The looks he gave Brian when he saw him, as if he couldn’t wait to get his hands on him. He didn’t want to make Brian more upset then he was, but he told the truth. “He gave me a ticket to the nurse’s ball, and said I had to go with him.”

Brian sat up, his ankle no longer propped on the ottoman. Instead, he just watched Sway’s every movement. It was uncanny sometimes the way Brian read body language and mannerisms. Sway tried not to fidget or look as nervous as he felt. He didn’t want to go anywhere with his boss, especially showing up at that kind of function… with him. But, how did he say hell no? God. What if he removes me from the trial?

“Bullshit! You aren’t going anywhere with him! Have you told Cayson?”

Sway’s eyes were wide. “No!” Sway shot his own hard glare at his boyfriend. “And, you better not either. This trial is major, baby. Groundbreaking. These doctors can save lives. The patients… they deserve this.” Sway thought about Ms. Debbie and how much she’d sacrificed to participate in the trial. This one last chance to save her life. Was Sway really going to be the one to have the plug pulled over a few inappropriate remarks from his boss? Shit. Just man up, Sway.

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