Promises Part 4 (Bounty Hunters 4) - Page 90

You okay, baby? Brian paused and let Sway adjust when he was halfway in. His hands were fisted in the covers, his forehead scrunched with focus. He touched Sway’s cheek and turned his head, rubbing his beard along his cheek, nipping at his lips.

“I’m good. Keep going,” Sway panted.

That was what he was looking for.

Brian got onto his knees and rocked his hips with shallow pumps. Adding just a little more of his length each time. Sway gasped and curled in on himself. Mumbling nonsense and soaking Brian’s sheets. He tucked his head and reached between his legs, his hand disappearing under his body.

Not yet. Brian yanked Sway’s hand away. Sway hissed at him, turning with venom in those soft brown eyes.

Well look at that. My sweet nurse just turned into a hungry cock slut. Brian snarled at him and snapped his hips, making Sway take his last couple of inches like a man, since he wanted to glare like one. Sway yelled with passion and bucked against him. Brian placed his palm in the center of Sway’s back and sent him down to the mattress. And then it was a battle of wills from there.

The faster Brian pounded into Sway’s tight ass, the louder he cried his name. He ground his cock deeper every time Sway screamed in ecstasy. Screamed in that sexy, low tenor pitch and filled his home with the sounds he longed for. Filled his heart with them. He mouthed Sway’s name over and over against the shell of his ear, then licked around it while his hips did a furious dance all its own. Sway’s name was there… on the tip of his tongue. But, Brian was breathless, his dick so hard and relentless. He was crazed drunk with lust. How did Sway possess this power over him… and so quickly?

Sway canted his hips in another direction, taking Brian’s dick with him. Brian clutched Sway to his chest and moaned deep in the pit of his stomach, the vibration rocking both of them. Sway tried to look over his shoulder but Brian held his face to the side so he had full access to that throat. Sway was sweating, panting, pleading for Brian to make it stop. To give him what he craved so badly and put him out his misery. To cure both their suffering.

Brian loved this. Loved feeling like a king, loved what his body could make Sway do.

It wasn’t long though when Brian felt his balls pulling up tight. He dropped his weight onto Sway and heard the air gush out of him.

“Bastard,” Sway grunted, chuckling dazedly.

Brian made sure he touched him everywhere, surrounding him until Sway only breathed him. Until Brian was his air. He leaned in and covered his mouth, kissing noisily. The position making it hot and messy. Brian licked Sway’s cries while he set a cruising pace. No longer blazing towards the finish line but not creeping either. It was just fucking right. Only his ass moved, up and down, in and out of Sway’s heat, while he stayed latched onto Sway’s gorgeous body. His smooth, flawless body.

Sway’s name was the only thing in his mind. Brian wormed his hands beneath them, making Sway take all of his heft; and by the elevation of his moans he loved it. When he finally maneuvered his hands under Sway’s groin, he kept them palms up and let Sway grind his sensitive cock against the hard gun callouses. He knew of the amazing friction they provided. Sway cried out.

That’s it, sweetbaby. Call my name. Brian was close. He needed Sway to come, he couldn’t hold out anymore. The torture was over. They both needed release. It felt as if his whole being got on one accord. His body, his mind, his spirit… his heart. His body reacted dramatically to the man beneath him. Sway reached behind him until he clasped Brian’s neck. He was beyond intelligible words, only sighs, hums, and whimpers. Sway was his. Brian’s chest swelled and he thrust deep, stilling there, growling with ecstasy in Sway’s ear. Sway, Sway, Sway. With each bottomless plunge, Brian mouthed his name.

Sway gasped as if something had scared him, he tensed, then hollered Brian’s name as he emptied violently into his rough palms. Sway’s orgasm triggered razor sharp blades down his spine and lightning strike in his balls. His eyes rolled back and his body went offline. Haywire. Brian pumped his hips, his cock growing and thickening even more, the stretch so tight, coupled with Sway’s snug channel that it had him gone… floating. Brian jerked his hips to a wild, off-beat rhythm only he could hear until his spine locked and he felt the first burst of his release. He opened his mouth in a silent yell, his throat working with each thrust, with each new jet of his seed. It was so much, and he was buried so deep inside, he never wanted to come out. For a moment all time stood still. It was calm and peaceful. Brian rode out the last few quakes, his pelvis pressed tight enough to Sway’s soft ass to leave an impression. Huffing against Sway’s back, Brian buried his face in the now dampened curls and just breathed.

Tags: A.E. Via Bounty Hunters Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024