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Promises Part 4 (Bounty Hunters 4)

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They made their way to the left side where he’d spotted Quick. His long hair was out and hanging over the chair, while he leaned in saying something in Cayson’s ear. He must’ve spotted Brian in his peripheral because his head snapped around and his mouth spread impossibly wide, his eyes large and overflowing with excitement. Cayson picked up on Quick’s expression and turned, spotting him and Sway walking towards them. Quick was on his feet in a second, his electric green eyes on Brian. They hadn’t seen each other since the hotel fiasco, since Brian had immediately gone on vacation after.

“Hell-fucking-yeah, man! That’s what I’m talking about, King!” Quick’s hand was outstretched, and Sway eased off his arm to give them room. Quick pushed his palm inside Brian’s. He clasped it tightly and let his teammate—brother—pull him into a deep hug. Brian accepted the embrace. He understood Quick’s excitement. The uniform and everything Brian had been through wearing it, was not lost on him. However, Quick wasn’t one for solemnity. He was a Grandmaster, he celebrated trials and tribulations, especially when one emerged victorious. And, Brian had conquered his enemy in the depths of hell and rose a king. Now, here he stood, with the highest honor a warrior could receive in his country around his neck, and the most beautiful man in the world on his arm. “I’ve never been prouder to shake your hand, Brian.”

Brian and Quick stood at almost the same height, Brian just an inch over him. He noticed Sway beside him beaming with pride, his chest as far out as he could stick it. This is why he knew wearing his uniform here wouldn’t trigger anything. He had family here, people he trusted… and furthermore, he was at peace.

Quick stepped back to get a better view. “A goddamn beast,” Quick rumbled, staring at Brian’s Prisoner of War medal. “You gotta come back down to my dojo, Brian. Soon, man. I got some real talent down there that might even impress you.”

Brian grinned and nodded. That was a Grandmaster’s way of saying ‘thank you for your service’. Quick’s dojo and his students were everything to him—second, just behind Cayson. Brian was going to take him up on that offer. He would love to learn from Roman Webb. A man who’d done nothing but study martial arts since he was eight years old.

“It’d be an honor, Roman,” Brian said in his raspy voice, speaking to Quick for the first time since he’d met him, three and half years ago.

Quick blinked at him, then shook his head as if he couldn’t take it. “A goddamn savage!”

They both laughed and hugged again, having drawn quite a bit of attention in the process. Cayson stood and hugged Brian, his eyes dancing over his chest. “You guys both look amazing.” After he hugged Sway, Cayson’s eyes went to the bronze cross. “This is pretty and masculine. What’s this one for, Brian?”

“That’s a Navy-fucking-Cross, babe!” Quick grinned.

Cayson shot his eyes up at Quick, smiling affectionately. “You wanna keep your voice to a dull roar, Roman? It’s a formal.”

“I’m just saying. Is no one else seeing what I am?!” Quick stressed.

“Ford has one, too. Got his way before I got mine,” Brian smirked.

“I bet his overachieving ass did.” Quick turned, picked up his drink and stood next to Brian.

Brian laughed huskily. Despite the high-class society they were in, Roman Webb would always be himself. It was funny how Cayson kept trying to shush him and mute his cursing. They were bad boys. Right now, they were just dressed-up bad boys. Brian was glad Quick was there. He would’ve told Cayson yes to escorting Sway, anyway, but when he said Quick was accompanying him as well, then it’d been even easier.

Sway laughed, then leaned in and whispered, “You’re going to be the center of attention soon, babe.”

“You okay with that?” Brian asked.

“Sure am. Even the unwanted attention.”

Brian heard the warning in Sway’s voice and followed his eyes. Dr. Dominick was approaching the table with a young woman in a shimmering, gold mini dress on his arm. He was smiling and walking confidently until he saw Brian. His steps never faltered but he wasn’t able to hide his pinched expression.

“Problems?” Quick’s lips barely moved, nor did his eyes, but Brian’s body language was easy to read. Quick could tell the man approaching wasn’t a friendly.

“Snake,” Brian hissed.

“Good evening.” Dr. Dominick shook hands with the men who stood around, making his way to Brian and Sway. “Nurse Hamilton. Evening.”

Sway lifted his chin, “Good Evening.”

The vain doctor tried not to acknowledge Brian, but Sway wasn’t having it. “Dr. Dominick, you remember my partner, Brian King, I’m sure.”

Dr. Dominick’s face turned red, and his date fidgeted like the young girl she was. “I um. I do believe, I remember…” Dr. Dominick cleared his throat and nodded at Brian’s uniform. “Navy? I didn’t quite remember that.”

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