Nothing Special (Nothing Special 1) - Page 2

The asshole spun around and ran into Godfrey’s large chest. The man rubbed his forehead as if he’d run into a brick wall. His eyes traveled the rest of the way up, until he reached Godfrey’s green eyes, which he now knew glowed with intensity.

“Who are you, his boyfriend? You gonna make me leave him alone?” Ronowski sneered and made a move to get past him.

Godfrey reached out at lightning speed and gripped the man by the throat, leaving him zero time to react. His knees buckled and his eyes bulged as he scrambled to get a grip on Godfrey’s large forearm. Godfrey dragged the man in close and snarled in his face.

“No, I’m not his boyfriend. But if you don’t shut your fucking mouth, I will make you his bitch.”

“That depends… does he swallow?” Day asked casually.

“What the fuck is going on in here!” Captain Murphy’s loud voice made Godfrey release the small throat from his hand, but not before glaring hard at the asshole, daring him to say a word.

“Just getting to know each other, Cap,” Day answered. “Officer Ronowski was just showing my partner the correct technique for choking the shit out of a suspect.” Day grinned. “Isn’t that right, Officer Ronowski?”

Day gave the still-coughing officer a hard smack on his back, while Godfrey gave him the look of death.

“Yeah. We’re just fucking around, sir,” Ronowski barely huffed out while rubbing his red throat.

“Well knock that shit off and get your asses down to admin, now!” The captain barked, then walked off, mumbling something about them slacking off already as he made his way back to his office.

Godfrey and Day looked at each other for a few moments before Godfrey quirked one eyebrow up at him. “Partner, huh?”

“Yep,” Day said with confidence.

Godfrey shrugged. “Works for me.”

The other officers moved out of their way as Godfrey made a hole for him and his new partner.

Four Years Later Yes. We are The Baddest

Four years later

“Atlanta PD! I said freeze! Don’t you fucking make me chase you!” Day yelled as he pushed his legs to move faster. He shrugged out of his leather coat and easily hopped the car in the intersection while keeping his weapon trained on the man who was currently thirty feet in front of him.

“Stop!” he yelled again.

His suspect turned to see how close he was, and Day took the opportunity to leap, successfully knocking the large man to the ground, and rolling with him. Day immediately scrambled to get on top and kneed the man as hard as he could in his kidney, immensely satisfied by the loud wail that burst out of him. Day looked around first before dropping another knee onto the man’s other kidney. “That’s for making me run, asshole. I just had a bean burrito… you do not want to know what’s going on in my fucking stomach right now.” Day removed his handcuffs from his back pocket. He looked up and saw Godfrey smiling down at him from the driver’s side of his truck.

“Are you gonna fuck him or arrest him, Day?” Godfrey smirked at him.

“Fuck you, God.” Day grunted as he pulled his suspect up off the ground. “Why do I always have to chase the runners?” He huffed and threw their suspect none too gently into the police cruiser that’d also pulled up.

“My suspects are always too scared to run,” Godfrey said with a shrug.

“I can’t wait to get back to the station. I’m going to kick James’s ass. There were twice as many guys in that drug house as he said there’d be.”

Day took his leather coat from the uniformed officer who’d picked it up for him and jumped up into the big F350’s passenger seat.

“Yeah, I definitely think we need a new snitch,” Godfrey responded while pulling smoothly into traffic and then flooring it down the boulevard.

“So, good cop bad cop?” Godfrey smiled at Day.

“We’re both bad cops, God.” Day smiled back.

“This is true, but you’re more convincing as good cop.” God stroked his goatee. “Hey, uh, you know Cap is gonna chew our asses out for not calling for backup.”

“Which is whose fault? I told you to call it in, God… but no… you gotta be Billy Bad-ass and kick the door in before we even got the plan down,” Day argued. He tried to stretch his legs and hissed at the pain in his knees. “God, I swear you’re chasing the next one, man, my knees are killing me.”

“If you stopped dropping down on them in back alleys, they’d be fine when you’re at work,” God replied easily, taking the toothpick from his mouth and flicking it out the window.

“Oh, wow, aren’t you just full of shits and giggles today.” Day pulled one of his 9mm handguns from his holster and checked the safety before locking it back in place and putting his leather coat back on. He held on to the oh-shit bar as God made a hard right turn into the station’s parking lot. They saw the squad cars pulling into the underground tunnel with their four new arrests and the evidence van backing in to unload the fifty pounds of marijuana they’d just secured from their raid.

Tags: A.E. Via Nothing Special Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024