Nothing Special (Nothing Special 1) - Page 26

Jeez, how can he play those mindless games?

Day listened to see if he could hear God snoring, or any movement, since the bedroom door was closed. Oh fuck. What if he has a chick in there?

Day’s chest jolted at that thought. “Hell no,” he whispered, shaking his head at the ridiculous thought.

Day made his cup of coffee and took it with him as he walked down the short, narrow hallway. Day tapped lightly on God’s bedroom door and waited impatiently for him to answer.

“Hey, slacker. You slept through a very important meeting this morning, and I covered for you by the way, since I’m such a good partner. You owe me, buddy.” Day waited. He put his ear close to the door, but didn’t hear anything. He got ready to turn the knob when he heard a low groan come from behind the closed bathroom door.

Day hurried into the bathroom, not bothering to knock and dropped his coffee mug to the floor at the sight of God’s huge body sprawled out on the linoleum floor. His face was half-covered with his hair and what Day could see was so pale, he almost appeared transparent.

“Jesus Christ, Cash, what the hell?” Day stepped over God’s long body and brushed the hair back from his face. He yanked his hand back as if he’d been burned… which he had.

“Fuck, Cashel. You’re on fire, man.”

God had to have a one hundred and five degree fever. He jumped up and pulled a small hand towel from the rack and ran some cold water on it while he pulled his cell from his pocket. He squatted down and began wiping the large beads of sweat from God's forehead with the cool towel.

“Cash, can you hear me? Open your eyes!” Day yelled.

He took God’s usually handsome face in his hands and lightly slapped his left cheek.

“Leo,” God whispered softly. Day saw him crack his eyes open just slightly. He was barely moving, but his face was scrunched up, and he was obviously in pain.

“Cash, come on, let’s get you up.” Day tried to hook his arm under God’s massive frame, but God wasn’t budging. “Help me out, babe.”

“Can’t.” God let loose an agonizing moan and his body began to convulse in a coughing fit. Day pulled back as God’s body hacked and dry heaved. It sounded like his body desperately wanted to throw something up, but there was nothing there.

“I’m calling an ambulance. You gotta get to the hospital. You have a really high fever, Cash.” Day pulled out his cell and saw that God was shaking his head back and forth.

“What? Are you saying no?” Day squatted back down.

“No, you can’t,” God groaned. “I don’t have insurance. It’ll cost me thousands for an emergency visit and I—”

Day’s hand stopped wiping his partner’s forehead, and his eyes snapped to God's.

“What the fuck do you mean you don’t have insurance? You’re a goddamn police officer. It’s mandatory. You must be mistaken,” Day argued.

God coughed and hacked for a while, but when he saw Day pull out his cell phone again, he made a hard effort to try to grab it, but ended up yelling out in pain.

“Day, please don’t. I can’t afford that. Besides, no ambulance will come out here anyway. You must’ve forgotten where you’re at.” God panted shallowly.

“God, you’re sick. You need help. Look, we’ll get the insurance thing settled or I’ll pay the bill my damn self.” Day looked into God’s watery eyes.

“I said no. Even if you did manage to get—” God’s body spasmed and hacked some more, cutting his own words off. His eyes were squeezed shut, and Day didn’t know what to do to help. “Even if you get a paramedic out here, I’ll refuse to go.”

Day knew God was serious, but it was obvious the man was very sick, and not like common cold sick, either. Day ran his hands through his hair in frustration as he watched God’s body go very still. His eyes were barely open, staring at him. Day got all the way down on his knees and got very close to God’s ear.

“God, you’re sick. I can’t lift you and your temperature is probably high enough to cause brain damage.”

“Just leave me here. I’ll be fine as soon as it passes,” God moaned.

Day stood back up, wet the towel again, and went back to wiping God’s forehead. Fuck. He’s too damn hot. Shit, shit, shit. Day had to think of something fast. It was probably true. There’s no way an ambulance would risk coming in to this neighborhood. He had to at least get God to his bed. From the smell of things, God had probably made it in here to puke but couldn’t get out.

“Okay. Come on. You need to at least get in the bed.” Day hooked both his arms under Gods armpits and used every bit of his strength to try to lift him, but he was dead weight. Day heard the big man moan and hiss, his body obviously in pain, but he wasn’t helping Day out by supporting any of his own weight.

Tags: A.E. Via Nothing Special Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024