Nothing Special (Nothing Special 1) - Page 86

Fuck me.

God looked at his watch and saw it was just coming up on nine a.m. He folded his paper, put his dish in the sink, and left the house.

Momma I’m Home

When God pulled into the driveway, Genesis ran out and met him as soon as he got out of the truck. He’d quickly told God that he’d explained to their mom how God felt and what his wishes were. God was immediately relieved that his mom wasn’t going to ask him those dreaded questions. How did it start, why didn’t you tell me, how did it make you feel, and all those other questions he really didn’t know the answers to. He didn’t even know exactly what they’d seen on the tapes. Genesis said they saw it all.

He and Day never looked at the tapes. His man had taken them at God’s instruction and burned them. Those were his past and God was all about the future.

When God came into the small house, his mom was sitting on the well-worn sofa with her hands clasped in her lap, a crumpled tissue visible in one hand. Her hair was pulled back in a soft ponytail and she had on a pink blouse and a tan tweed skirt that just covered her knees. Her makeup was minimal, but it wasn’t needed on her angelic face. She smiled a sweet smile at him and waved him to her.

God removed his coat and Genesis was there to take it for him. He walked over and sat awkwardly on the small couch. His mom brought her hand up to lightly touch his cheek. She looked him over as if inspecting him and a quiet sob escaped her lips. He slowly brought his own hand up to gently wipe at the tears that fell from her eyes, trying desperately to keep his own from falling. Those seconds felt like very long minutes before either of them spoke. After his mom was satisfied that he looked okay, she parted her lips and whispered to him.

“Welcome home, Cashel.”

God told her about the military, about his job on the force, and he had them cracking up with stories about his crazy lover, promising her that he’d bring him around real soon. She’d popped God in the back of the head with her potholder when he told her that he’d pissed his partner off before it was time for them to come over.

“He sounds like a good catch, Cashel. Don’t be a jerk to him.” She admonished him right before serving him his favorite thing to eat when he was younger.

It was just after 6 p.m. and God and Genesis were devouring the entire loaf of freshly baked cinnamon raisin bread.

His mom smiled warmly at him and said in soft voice. “I was hoping it was still your favorite, Cashel.”

God patted his mother’s soft hand. “It will always be my favorite. You’re going to have to give Day this recipe.”

“He can cook?” His mom’s eyebrows shot up.

“Mom, he’s freakin’ awesome,” Genesis answered before God could. “When I was over there last week, he made us some kind of meat and noodles concoction.” Genesis snapped his fingers. “What was it again, Cash?”

“Beef stroganoff.” God laughed around a huge piece of sugary bread.

“Wow. Did his mom teach him to cook?” she asked while cutting God another huge slice and refilling his glass of sweet tea.

“I wish,” God groaned.

“Uh oh.” His mom smiled wide.

“Uh oh is right. He dated a real fancy-shmancy chef in college and he taught him a lot of stuff.” God rolled his eyes and waved his hand dismissively. “I can’t even remember his name.”

“He remembers it all right. It’s the one you love mom, that’s on TV. You know him, the hot one… Prescott Vaughan, miracle chef.” Genesis grinned slyly at God, who punched his brother in the shoulder as soon as their mom turned to go to the sink.

“Oww. Shithead,” Genesis yelled.

Their mom gasped. “Genny, watch your mouth, Cashel, stop abusing your brother.” She scolded both of them before turning around and continuing with washing the dishes.

“We’re going to play some Madden in the living room before Cash has to go home and eat crow Mom,” Genesis said while ducking God’s left jab.

She laughed at them. “That’s fine. I think I’m going to go on up to bed, I plan on going to church in the morning because I have so much to thank the good Lord for. My big boy is home.” She leaned in and let Genesis kiss her cheek before turning and doing the same for him. God kissed and hugged his mom before walking her to the bottom of the stairs and telling her goodnight.

They’d been playing for three hours, Cash beating his brother two out of three games. They were having so much fun that Cash kept laughing and shoving Genesis, telling him to shut his mouth, their mom was trying to rest. When it was time for him to leave Cash asked Genesis if he wanted to come over and watch football with him and Day tomorrow; his brother eagerly accepted. God teased him by throwing out the invitation to bring a friend if Gen wanted.

Tags: A.E. Via Nothing Special Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024