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Stormy Love (Wet & Wild 1)

Page 54

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The dolphins felt good against her skin. They were playful and soft. Slick with water. The texture reminded her of Ash’s wet suit. She sat back and watched the island pass her by as the wind raked through her hair. She closed her eyes and took in the salted air flowing around her skin, and all in the presence of Ash.

She looked back at him, watching as he stood there. Tall. Strong. With the sun beating down on his features. Kallie felt like she was on top of the world. Like her life was magical. Never had she had a perfect time like this with James. She never could’ve imagined that something like this was possible.

But the thought of her ex brought her to an abrupt halt. Ash was her rebound guy. Things weren’t supposed to be magical. She wasn’t supposed to be hanging around him and waking up in his arms. She wasn’t supposed to be spending weekends with him on a boat and snorkeling on a coral reef and imagining some sort of a life on some island with him. Deeper feelings weren’t part of the bargain. That was what Eris had told her. It was a quick lay that was supposed to help her shake James from her system

And she had done that.

But the more time she spent around Ash, the more she felt she’d need a rebound from her rebound guy.

Every time she looked at him, her heart stopped. Every time he said her name, her toes curled. Every time his lips pressed against her body—anywhere on her body—she shivered in delight. This was supposed to be all about the sex. Nothing more, nothing less. And the sex with Ash was fantastic. Never had she felt so beautiful in a man’s arms. Never had she felt so lusted after in a man’s presence. Even a simple glance from him as he licked his lips drove her wild. Insatiable with desire.

It was by far the best sex of her life.

But it was supposed to end there. It wasn’t supposed to follow her around like it was. Sex was where it was supposed to end. No waking up with each other. No dinner dates. No naps in hammocks or weekend excursions.

And certainly, no dreaming of a life with him.

Which was what she did the night she was tangled in his arms.

Kallie gazed out over the water as they finally approached the channel. The lush green islands zoomed by as the channel dumped them near the coral reef. She tried to shake everything from her mind so she could enjoy the sights around her. Enjoy this new experience she was going to get a chance at. He was showing her things James would’ve never exposed her to. Never allowed her to do. Never wanted to do. And she always told herself it was because she and James were homebodies. They enjoyed hunkering down and watching movies and spending nights in instead of out.

But the more she got out with Ash, the more she wanted to stay out. Travel. Experience the world and all its wonders.

She was nothing like James.

Maybe that was why they didn’t work in the end.

“We’re here.”

Ash’s voice pulled her from her trance and her gaze whipped over to his.

“I’m going to go get the snorkeling gear, then I’ll show you how to use it.”

“Okay,” she said. “Mind if I stay here?”

“You do whatever you want, Petty Kallie.”

She giggled at his nickname for her and watched as he disappeared below deck.

That was the thing with Ash. He was charming. Funny. Talented in a lot of areas. But more than that, there was this bond between us. It was easy to be around him. It was easy to talk with him. Kallie didn’t feel pressured to dress up or get regular manicures or talk with a certain type of language. She clicked with Ash, and she liked that. She thought back to the first time she met him. Bartending at that small beachside cabana. Never in her wildest dreams would she have ever thought such a perfect man would’ve been bartending at a beachside anything in St. Barts.

But maybe that was how the universe worked, she thought. Maybe it was more disorganized than she liked. Maybe it wasn’t supposed to be figured out and jammed into boxes and schedules on a timetable that outlined the entire year. Maybe the universe didn’t work on a plan, or a schedule, or a timetable like she wanted things to. Needed things to.

Maybe this was the universe’s way of telling her to lighten up and allow it to take control.

“Ready?” Ash asked.

Kallie smiled up at him as she stood to her feet.

“Okay, what do I do?” she asked.

“Well, these are your goggles and this is your snorkel. The concept is easy. You place the snorkel in your mouth and bite down onto these clear rubbery tongs. You breathe through your mouth and stay close enough to the surface, so that seawater doesn’t breach the top of the pipe.”

“Sounds complicated,” she said.

“Come here. We can practice before we get into the water,” he said.

“I’m a city girl, so you’ll have to go slowly.”

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