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Touch Me (You & Me 2)

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He couldn’t help himself. He walked towards her and wrapped her in his arms, kissing her softly, wanting to tell her without words that she was safe and cherished. It was too soon—he knew that. For now, he’d have to settle on telling her with his embrace and hope she got the message.

“We should go,” he said, kissing her one last time before walking out and grabbing his keys.

He helped her into his car before beginning a series of turns that kept them off the main roads and made getting her to work faster and less stressful with minimal traffic. He parked in front of the café, his eyes scanning the area for any signs of trouble.

She leaned across the console and kissed him. “Thanks for the ride—both of them,” she said, with a cheeky smile.

He found himself grinning like an idiot. He loved how sexual and playful she could be. It was a lot different than their first interactions when she could barely make eye contact with him. He loved being a part of her blossoming personality.

“I’ll call you later,” he promised.

“You better,” she said, climbing out of the car and walking into the bakery.

He watched her through the window until she waved, letting him know everything was okay. He backed out and headed home, feeling incredibly happy. The woman had walked into his life at the most unexpected time. Technically, he walked into hers, but he was happy as hell he’d been late for that meeting. It was turning out to be the best thing that ever happened to him.

He drove home, quickly showering and changing into a fresh suit. He’d already called and let Rachel know he was running late. She had all kinds of jokes, which he laughed at, without giving her any details. He was happy, really happy. He just hoped it would last. The suitcase kept lingering in the back of his mind though. She couldn’t run. He would chase her—but he couldn’t. She was already being chased. He wouldn’t do that to her.

She couldn’t run, dammit!

Chapter Sixteen


IT WAS A GOOD DAY. No, it was a great day. Katherine felt peppy. She had more energy than usual—a trend she was beginning to appreciate. She caught herself humming as she restocked the small refrigerator in the front area.

“You are positively giddy,” Talia said, almost accusingly.

“I am, aren’t I?” Katherine replied. She shrugged a shoulder as she looked at the screen highlighting the drink orders and set to work.

The bakery was always busy, which she liked. It made the time fly by and she loved chatting with the customers. They rarely got any cranky customers and the regulars had welcomed her and made her feel right at home. She listened to Talia laughing and joking with the steady stream of customers.

Katherine heard a male voice behind her as she stood at the machine, making one of what felt like a hundred specialty drinks. She turned around, hoping it would be Ben, but found a stranger at the counter instead. The voices were similar, but the men couldn’t be more different. Ben was tall, handsome and smooth. The man currently trying to flirt with Talia was older, shorter and had no game, Katherine mused, turning back to work on the drinks.

It was a minor letdown. She was surprised to realize how much she missed him. They’d been talking on the phone every night, having lengthy conversations and getting to know each other better, but she missed being with him. Missed him touching her, smiling at her and making her feel safe and wanted. She enjoyed every minute with him. It was all strange and new, and the fact he was actually interested in what she had to say made her feel more confident than she had in years. It was like pulling an old dress out of the closet and realizing it fit.

She was getting more comfortable in her own skin and returning to the woman she used to be—before she ever met Tim. No, not the same woman. She was changed, forever changed. She had scars, literally and figuratively. But every scar made her a little stronger. They showed her she could take a beating and get back up the next day. There was little she was truly afraid of—besides Tim. He still scared her, but only because she had seen his truly evil side.

“Aren’t you supposed to be out of here?” Talia asked.

Katherine looked at the clock and realized her shift had ended fifteen minutes ago. “Oh, wow. The time flew by.”

Talia laughed. “For you maybe. I still have three hours and it feels like I’ve already been here forever.”

“Not me, I love this job,” Katherine said, meaning the words.

Talia looked at her like she was crazy. “Only you. Get out of here, you crazy woman,” she said, slapping her arm.

“What are your plans for the night?” Talia asked conversationally.

Katherine shrugged. “I’m going to go the market, get something for dinner and then kick back and do nothing.”

Talia laughed. “I’ve created a monster.”

One of the customers sitting near the window looked turned and gave her the once over. Katherine wasn’t used to men paying such attention to her, especially with her hair pulled back, and wearing jeans and the rather unflattering t-shirt she had chosen for the day.

She smiled at the middle-aged man, earning a smile back.

Talia was fighting back a laugh at the exchange. Katherine shot a look at her before smiling and walking away.

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