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Secure Love (Wet & Wild 3)

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“It’s for your own good,” Ash said. “You should get rid of Eris and her friend. You know their reputation.”

“Are you seriously still stuck on that interview?” Jeremy asked.

“What the fuck is your problem?”

A slap to the shoulder that knocked him back caught his attention. He looked down into the eyes of Kallie’s best friend, and he debated on whether or not to drag her outside and get everyone’s attention. She was in on this entire con. He was sure of it.

“You’re a gold digger,” Ash said. “You and Kallie. Both of you work together as a team, don’t you?”

“Hell no,” Eris said.

“You should get out,” Ash said to Jeremy. “Get out before she milks you dry of whatever remains of your family’s fortune.”

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Eris asked.

“I should be asking you the same question,” Ash said.

“You’re acting like a complete and total asshole,” she said. “Just like James on Kallie’s fucking wedding day.”

“Dude, you really need to back off,” Jeremy said. “I think you’ve had a little too much to drink.”

“Seriously? You’d rather shack up with a known gold digger and her cohort of a friend instead of listen to the guy you went to college with?” Ash asked.

“To be fair, we never hung out after college. You dropped off the face of the planet and I didn’t hear from you for years,” Jeremy said.

“You saw the interview,” Ash said. “I know you did.”

“Yeah, and it was a bunch of bullshit,” Eris said. “I was the one who caught James with his cock in one of the bridesmaid’s mouths. That batshit-crazy motherfucker screwed his best man’s wife in the church he was about to take his damn vows in.”

“And you think I’m supposed to believe that?” Ash asked.

“I don’t give a shit what you believe, quite honestly. Because in all of the encounters we’ve had with you, you’ve approached us. Every single time. Kallie in the grocery store. Us in the club. You come to us. Every single time,” Eris said. “But putting all that shit aside, James was full of shit at the wedding when he tried to apologize, and he was full of shit when he went on television and gave that damn interview. He made up lies about his ex because Kallie ended shit with him and he was embarrassed and pissed off that he couldn't get what he wanted. He’s throwing the equivalent of a six-year old tantrum because he doesn’t get his pretty little toy anymore. He’s doing exactly what all of you assholes do.”

“And what’s that?” Ash asked.

“He’s throwing money at the problem and hoping he’ll come out on top,” she said.

“Ash, I know you’re not familiar with James Rathbone’s reputation, but he is kind of a selfish nutjob at times,” Jeremy said.

“All James was trying to do was destroy you and Kallie’s relationship. To what end, I don’t fucking know. Whether he wanted revenge on Kallie or wanted her back, it doesn’t matter. The point is, he’s lying. And you’re a large enough idiot to believe him,” she said.

“Then what about the text messages, huh? He had all of them. Every single one of them outlining that disgusting plan of yours to drain my damn bank accounts and spend all my fucking money,” Ash said. “Huh? What about those!?”

“Does that really sound like Kallie?” Eris asked.

“Is that really your only defense? I mean, I expected you to defend your partner in crime, but that’s a pathetic defense,” Ash said.

“Look, Kallie told me she went to you and showed you our call logs. Our lack of text messages. A damn idiot with a decent enough computer can forge a text message, Ash. And with our lack of messaging during the trip, it’s an easy enough thing to fake. And again, because you’re stupid, you fell for it. Kallie’s never been that type of person. In fact, I know several instances in which she told James not to spend money on her because it made her feel uncomfortable.”

“She didn’t look uncomfortable flying to St. Barts on her ex’s dime,” Ash said.

“Because he fucked her bridesmaid, you asshole! If anything, you were supposed to be a one-night stand. Oh. Wait. Holy shit. Hold on.”

Ash watched wildly as his eyes snapped over to Jeremy. His friend shrugged and it made him angry. Was that the only gesture people fucking had for him tonight? He watched Eris take her cell phone out of her pocket before she turned around so he could see the screen.

“Look. Just in case you think I fucking fabricated this too,” Eris said.

Ash’s eyes whipped over to the side of her face before Kallie’s voice filled the room.

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