Secure Love (Wet & Wild 3) - Page 50

“Is that possible with you?” she asked with a grin.

“It could be, if I had you there.”

She pulled back and looked up into Ash’s eyes as his thumb stroked her cheek.

“I need to rest in my own bed,” she said. “And get a shower. I’m soaking wet.”

“We could take a shower together.”


“I just—”

Kallie closed her eyes and waited, trying to guard herself as best as she could. But instead of the fight she always got with Ash, she simply heard him sigh.

“Okay,” he said.

Her eyes whipped open as he took a step back.

“Okay?” Kallie asked.

“I hope you sleep well,” he said.

Then she watched him backtrack into his hotel room.

Her heart sank. Her trembling hands led her into her empty hotel room and she peeled her clothes off. She’d take a shower in the morning. All she wanted to do was sleep the night away. She crawled, naked and cold, between the sheets of her bed.

Her lonely bed.

She missed Ash already, and she knew that was dangerous.

Tears filled her eyes and she unleashed them into her pillow. She turned her face in to it and began to sob. Why did she come to Bali? Why had she given into him? Why did she convince herself that some idiotic “last goodbye” would ever be good for her? For them? She beat on her pillow and cried into it some more. She hated herself. Hated the position she’d put herself in. One second she felt strong, and the next second she felt weak.

Weak in the arms of Ash.

Weak against his touch.

Weak against his stare.

She cried herself to sleep that night, knowing it would be hard to leave him soon.

Why the hell did a part of her always have to be so hopeful?

Chapter 21


“So, I heard back from the realtor,” Kallie said. “They accepted your offer.”

“I figured they would. I’m shocked it took them an entire day to get back to me,” Ash said.

“They’ve even included some of the furniture that was in the home when we were there.”

“Oh, did they keep that dining room table with those chairs? I loved that.”

“They did. Along with the furniture on the porch and that guest bedroom furniture you thumbed your nose at.”

“Ah, the maritime room. That’s fine. That bedroom will probably be the least used since it doesn't have a view of any sort of water. I’ll deal with that later. It might make some decent firewood.”

Tags: Lexy Timms Wet & Wild Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024