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Secure Love (Wet & Wild 3)

Page 71

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“I love every second of it,” she said. “But I do have one question.”

“What’s that?”

“When can we go back to our beach house in Bali? We have to figure out how to start laying out this massive new charity you’ve thrown me at.”

Kallie watched the broad smile that parted Ash’s lips and she should’ve known better than to ask.

“The plane’s already waiting for us at the airport,” he said. “All you have to do is pack.”

“Coincidentally, I didn’t unpack from the last trip,” she said.

“Then it sounds like all we need to do is stop off at your apartment.”

“What are we going to do about my lease? I still have, like, two more months on it.”

“I can pay the rent upfront or pay whatever is necessary to break the lease.”

“Or I could pay it,” she said.

“Or you could pay it,” he said with a chuckle. “You’re going to always fight me about spending money on you, aren’t you?”

“You really should’ve known that wasn’t going to change.”

Kallie kissed his lips before she cuddled closer into his naked body.

“What will I do about all my stuff?” she asked.

“You’ve got plenty of connections to places around the city. I’m sure they would love the items you have.”

“But how will I get them there?”

“Why don’t you leave that to me? If you pay your last two months’ worth of rent up front, I can negotiate with the landlord of your complex to let people in to pick up whatever they want to take. All you have to do is pack up what you want to take with you and write the check.”

“I like the sound of that,” Kallie said with a smile.

Kallie watched Ash approach and she braced herself for his warmth. Their lips connected and their bodies rose to the occasion, and soon the bed was rocking again with the love they had for each other. She felt loved. Beautiful. Respected. She felt like Ash’s equal instead of like a toy he was trying to manipulate. She smiled against his skin and panted in his ear. She curled her toes into the back of his calves and rose her hips to meet his. Time and time again, she met her end against this body. Squeezed around his thick dick and felt her body being filled with him. She saw an entire life flash behind her eyes. With every orgasm and every streak of electricity that filled her veins, another piece of their future rushed behind her eyelids.

Their small wedding on the coast of Bali.

Their charity installations around the world.

Their romantic strolls along the coast.

The foods he fed her with his fingers.

The children their Bali home would be filled with.

She saw all of it in his eyes. She saw all of it behind hers. And her heart filled with a joy so unspeakable that it left her breathless.

“I love you,” she said as sweat dripped down her brow.

“And I love you,” Ash said as he brushed it away.

Her life was complete. Her future was set. And for the first time in her entire life, she was running toward something instead of away from it.


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