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Kiss Me (You & Me 3)

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She kissed him. “I would love to. Maybe some time this week or on the weekend.”

He nodded his head, happy to hear her planning ahead, even if it was only for a week. It was better than the alternative. He leaned his head back, looking towards the bedroom door where the suitcase had been. It wasn’t there now. That was encouraging.

There was a knock on the door. “I’ll get it, you keep watching your show,” he said, giving her a quick kiss before standing and moving to the door.

He insisted on answering the door, not because he wanted her to watch her show, but because in the back of his mind he was still worried about Tim. He didn’t trust the guy. He’d witnessed the man’s rage first hand and couldn’t bear the thought of leaving Katherine alone to face him ever again. He knew he couldn’t protect her twenty-four seven, but he wished she would let him. He thought about hiring a security guard for her, but she would never be okay with that.

“Thank you,” he said, taking the food, tipping the delivery guy and carrying it to the table. Katherine got up and sauntered into the kitchen as he was spreading out the food.

“I got a little of everything. I figured it would be great for leftovers—in case we didn’t want to leave,” she said with a co

y smile.

“That was a very good idea,” he nodded in agreement.

They sat at the table and feasted upon the meal before refilling their wine glasses and heading back to the loveseat to watch the next episode. Everything felt so right with her. He was going to spend the weekend with her, letting her know how important and special she was to him.

He wanted her to see how good they were together. Then, one day, he’d be able to tell her how he felt. For now, he’d hang back and just be the strong, silent type of guy, there when she needed him, but not breathing down her neck. He was content just being with her.

“You’re smiling,” she murmured, turning to look at him.

“I am.”

“Why? Do you like this show?”

He shrugged a shoulder. “I do, but I like watching the show with you better.”

She kissed him before settling back against his chest. He loved that she seemed completely at ease and vowed to make sure she always felt that way.

Chapter Three


KATHERINE WAS STILL riding the high from her long, leisurely weekend with Ben. He’d doted on her, making her feel like a royal princess. She knew he was a good guy, but he had exceeded her expectations. It was like living in a dream. She woken yesterday convinced that Saturday had been a dream. When her eyes adjusted she rolled to her side and saw his dark hair and broad back. It hadn’t been a dream. He was right there beside her.

They’d spent the weekend at her place, which was a little strange. She offered to go to his much bigger, luxurious house, but he insisted he was comfortable right where he was. She still felt full after the huge meal she had made for him yesterday. She had followed through and prepared a feast including fried chicken, mashed potatoes, biscuits and—trying to be a little healthy—a simple coleslaw.

She looked in the mirror, feeling a little weird in the fitted shirt and jeans. Her normal attire had been baggy shirts and jeans that weren’t quite as tight. Things were changing. She didn’t care if people noticed her now. She didn’t have to hide anymore.

With her purse slung over her shoulder, she headed out the door, making sure to lock it behind her. She was leaving early enough that she had time to walk. She needed the time to think and clear her head, mulling over what she would say to the bakery owner. He had called early this morning and asked her to come in. She was hoping he had cooled down and wanted her to come back, after he had so unceremoniously fired her on that horrible day.

“Be pleasant, apologize and smile,” she coached herself, before pulling open the door and walking inside.

Talia Soles was behind the counter, wiping it down. She looked up when the door chimed, a smile spreading across her face.

She quickly dashed around the counter and wrapped Katherine in a big hug. “I’m so happy to see you!”

“I’m happy to see you, too. How’ve you been?” she asked, missing her friend.

Talia had been the only real friend she’d had in San Francisco. Once she had been fired, there had been all the drama with getting Ben out of jail and then meeting with the attorney to start the divorce paperwork. So, they hadn’t talked since that fateful day.

“I’m good. You?”

“I’m great. What are you doing here?”

Katherine smiled. “He called me and asked me to come in,” she said, in a low voice, not wanting to reveal her excitement.

Talia’s eyes went wide. “What? Are you serious? Is he going to give you your job back?”

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