Kiss Me (You & Me 3) - Page 36


KATHERINE WAS A LITTLE disappointed Alexandra never called, but she hadn’t truly expected her to. She knew it was a lot to drop on someone. She doubted she would have listened to a complete stranger five years ago if they would have said the same thing to her. That was the power of Tim. He could blind a woman into seeing nothing but him.

She put the last of her clothes into her suitcase and sat on the bed. She’d already stayed too long. Tim was probably back in town and Alexandra may have told him about her visit. He’d be searching high and low for her, ready to shut her up and keep her from embarrassing him. It was time to go. The problem was where.

In any other situation, she imagined it would be fun and exciting to have the whole wide world waiting out there for her to explore. Unfortunately, she couldn’t fly, which seriously limited her options. Well, she could fly, but that would bring Tim right to her door, unless she could travel to some tiny little country and change her name and adopt an entire new personality. She had money stashed, but not enough to live on for the rest of her life, especially if she started hopping on flights every time she thought Tim was close.

Her phone rang, interrupting her deep thought, and nearly sending her flying off the bed. There was only one person that had the number. Her day just got a lot better.

She reached ou

t, snatching it off the nightstand. “Hello?”

“It’s me, Alex, I mean Alexandra, but you can call me Alex. It’s what most people call me, except for him,” she muttered.

“Are you okay, Alex?” Katherine asked, hoping she hadn’t put the woman in jeopardy by giving her the phone, knowing it was a risk.

“I’m fine. I’m sorry I didn’t call earlier. Can you meet?”

“Meet?” Katherine squeaked.

“Yes, I want to talk to you and I need to give you something,” she said, the tone of her voice telling Katherine something was off.

Katherine hesitated for a second before deciding to trust the woman. She really didn’t have any other options. “I can meet. When and where?”

Alex named a café which Katherine wasn’t familiar with but would Google directions.

“An hour?” Alex offered.

“I’ll be there,” Katherine said and ended the call.

She checked her watch. She didn’t want to drag her suitcase with her and decided to pay for another night at the hotel. After securing the room for an extra night, she jumped in a cab and gave the driver the address she had Googled for the café. Somewhere in the back of her mind, Katherine wondered if she was walking into a trap. There was a chance she could walk in and find Tim waiting for her. Or, she may never even make it inside the café if he was lying in wait outside. She prayed Alex wasn’t setting her up. Something deep inside her said she could trust Alex. She prayed she wasn’t wrong. If she was, it wouldn’t just be an oopsie, it could be the final nail in her proverbial coffin.

It was nearly a forty-five-minute ride with all the traffic. When the cab driver stopped in the parking lot, Katherine scanned the area before getting out. Her palms were sweaty and there were butterflies in her stomach as she walked towards the door. She kept expecting to be ambushed.

She walked in and noticed the café was relatively empty. It was a small place, a sign advertising the seating capacity was only fifty-six. The emptiness of the café was slightly concerning. She preferred to have lots of witnesses around her in case Tim did try something. Maybe someone would stand up and save her. Unlikely, but it was always a hope. There was a brief moment when she thought about walking right back out the door, but steeled her nerves to see the meeting through.

Katherine’s eyes fell on Alex who had put her hand in the air and waved. Katherine relaxed when she saw she was alone. It wasn’t a trap. At least, she hoped it wasn’t. Tim could still show up she supposed. She weaved around the tables as she made her way towards the booth where Alex was sitting, a cup of coffee in front of her.

“Thank you for meeting me,” Alex said when Katherine slid into the booth across the table from her.

The café was small and not exactly the cleanest, but she had found those particular restaurants usually served the best food. If she wasn’t meeting with her husband’s girlfriend, she would have considered ordering something, but she wasn’t there to eat. She didn’t think she could eat.

“Sure, I’m glad you called. Have you thought about what I said?” she asked.

Alex nodded. “Yes, I have. I’ve thought about it a lot. It’s all I’ve thought of to tell you the truth.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to add any stress to your life. I’m sure you’re already dealing with enough,” she said sympathetically.

Alex took a deep breath, her eyes widening. “You have no idea. Well, actually, I guess you probably do.”

“Did he come back?” Katherine asked, almost afraid to hear the answer.

“No, he said his business got delayed. I’m guessing he’s shacked up with a woman while he’s up there torturing your boyfriend. I can’t even pretend I’m jealous or upset,” she said, exhaustion colored her voice.

Katherine smirked. “I know what you mean.”

“Are you okay?” she asked, concerned for Alex.

Tags: Lexy Timms You & Me Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024