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Kiss Me (You & Me 3)

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“You’re here,” he mumbled, his heart nearly pounding out of his chest as he practically tried to absorb her body with his. He never wanted to let go. He had convinced himself he would never see her or hold her again and now she was there, in his arms. He couldn’t release her for fear it would be the last time he got to inhale the scent of her hair or feel her arms holding him so tight.

“I’m sorry,” she muttered against his chest again.

“Don’t,” he breathed out the word.

He didn’t want her apologizing. He just wanted her. Ben pulled her inside the foyer and kicked the door shut, one hand on her arm as if he were afraid she would disappear if he let go. He stood back, looking over her face, checking for injuries and finding nothing. His eyes drank in the sight of her. He noticed her blonde roots were a little more pronounced. She hadn’t dyed her hair recently. He hoped that meant she wasn’t trying to hide or run anymore.

He couldn’t stop himself. He had to taste her and slammed his mouth over hers, his tongue pushed inside. He heard himself groan with satisfaction. Having her in his arms, tasting her, seeing her, it was too much. He couldn’t stop himself. He wanted her. He needed her.

She pulled away, looking into his eyes, her hand moving to his face where there was heavy beard stubble coming in before moving into his hair that hadn’t been cut in two weeks, which was very unlike him.

“I’m so sorry,” she whispered again.

He shook his head. “You’re here, that’s all that matters.”

“I should have called. I wanted to,” she replied, he could see the apologetic look on her face.

He kissed her again. His anger and frustration were gone. She was forgiven, absolved of all her sins. He wanted to show her how much he had missed her. His hands reached for the button-up plaid shirt she was wearing and yanked it over her head. There was no time to mess around with buttons. Then he was working at the button and fly on her jeans, peeling them down her hips.

Her hands went to his chest, pushing away as she kicked off her shoes and shucked her jeans. Her urgency matched his own. They were in his house alone and he knew his security wouldn’t bother him, not with a woman in the house. They knew better.

“I want you,” he whispered over her neck.

“I’m here,” she replied, her head dropping back, giving him complete access.

His hands deftly unhooked her bra before pulling it away from her body, giving him a fabulous view of her gorgeous breasts. He wanted all of her all at once. Passion was making him feel frenzied as his mouth closed over one nipple, sucking it between his teeth. She was practically climbing him, one leg wrapped around his knees, making him unsteady.


bsp; With his mouth still holding onto one of her erect nipples, he took a few steps forward, pushing her against the wall for support before dropping to his knees in front of her. He wanted to worship at her feet. His hands stretched up, holding her breasts while he buried his face between her legs. She gasped, encouraging him to continue his worshipping.

Her panties were in the way. His hands moved over her flat tummy, continuing down her body, pulling the panties down as he went. He carefully lifted one foot than the other before nudging her legs a little wider for easy access to her sweet spot.

“Oh sweetheart, I’ve been dreaming of this for days,” he groaned, before leaning forward to press his mouth to her nether lips.

“Ben,” she moaned, and he knew she was as hot as he was.

He knew her body well, and knew how to make her cum with little effort. She was a sexual creature that he loved to tantalize until she was begging him for more. He would always oblige. As his mouth worked over her core, he felt her knees bend as she sagged against the wall. The movement opened her a little wider for his enjoyment, which he took a great deal of pleasure in. Every drop of her on his tongue made him harder and hotter for more.

His tongue delved between her folds, pulling soft cries and moans from her with every swipe. It fueled him, making him heady and ravenous for more. He would never grow tired of the woman, he knew that deep inside his very soul. As he continued to drink from her, he let himself lose all control, lapping, nibbling and suckling until she was screaming his name, her hands fisted in his hair as she released herself into his waiting mouth.

Chapter Nineteen


HER BODY WAS SLIDING down the wall, she couldn’t stand up another second after the orgasm had rocked her to her very core. He stood, wrapping his arms around her and holding her against him while her legs slowly became a little steadier.

She looked up at him and felt so much for this man who had a way of stripping her down to her rawest self in every way, while handling her so tenderly. She knew he would never hurt her and she wanted him to know how much she cared for him. Leaving him had been a horrible thing to do. Making it up to him was her new mission. She wanted to show him how much she wanted him in her life.

“My turn,” she said, her voice thick with desire.

“Let’s go in my room,” he said, kissing the side of her neck.

She shook her head. “Not yet.”

In a flash, she dropped to her knees on the cold marble floor, yanking his sweats down his body. His thick erection was directly in her face, sending spirals of heat through her body. She thought about how good it felt when he put himself inside her, then thought about how good it had been to have him love her with his mouth. She wanted to give him that same intense pleasure. Her hands reached out, grabbing his shaft and holding it steady while she slowly ran her tongue over the head of his cock.

He jerked forward, sucking in air. “Sweetheart, you don’t have to do that.”

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