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“Sounds good.” He paused. “And thanks, Charity.”

“You’re welcome.”

She stared at the phone after her father hung up. What had she just gotten herself into?

Chapter 4

Once off the plane Charity waited for her bags and then picked up her rental car. The mid-size car she hired wasn’t available so the young teller bumped her up to a Mustang. Blue. Sapphire blue. She laughed out loud in the parking lot when she tossed her suitcase and bag in the trunk. The weekend might actually turn out to be fun.

The week itself had been busy. She’d painted the office, had it decorated, went through the email list, and set up a luncheon with Malcolm for Monday. They needed to go over a few plans and she also needed to meet with the board next week. Juggling the two jobs would be interesting.

She drove straight to the hospital and parked in the visitor parking section. The newly designed hospital almost looked inviting. They had torn down the older hospital two blocks away months ago. The grey outer walls had loads of windows and sections of it spread like rays of sun around the nucleus.

The warm heated air brushed the cold autumn air away as she stepped though the sliding doors. She headed for the elevator but slipped into a restroom just before. She washed her hands and looked in the mirror. Her ponytail had slipped down so she grabbed two chunks of hair to tighten it. The pony band snapped and shot off like an elastic.

“Crap!” Charity searched through her purse for another one but found nothing. She ran her fingers through her hair and tucked a few strands behind an ear. It would have to do. Except now she needed to touch up her makeup. Little makeup worked with a ponytail but not with her hair down. She grabbed a lip gloss and added eyeliner and mascara. She stepped back. Dark jeans and white button up would have to do.

She squared her shoulders and exhaled a long breath. “Please give me patience and don’t piss Dad off,” she mumbled before leaving the bathroom. She hit the elevator button and the far door slid open. Perfect timing.

An older couple walked off together and she smiled at them before stepping into the lift. Leaning against the wall, a tall glass of hot water stood in medical scrubs. Short, dark, slightly mussed brown hair, bright blue eyes, and a sexy five o’clock shadow held Charity’s gaze a moment longer than what was considered polite. She quickly turned and pressed the sixth floor button. It was already lit up. Hot muscle guy had to get off on the same floor.

She closed her eyes and silently sighed. She should have looked at his badge instead of his face. The thought of his chest made her wonder what he might look like with his shirt off. She forced herself to open her eyes and stare straight ahead. You’re being ridiculous. Cute guy and you act like a thirteen-year-old boy-crazy kid.

She turned around and smiled, willing her eyes to stay on his face, not cruise down and then back up. “Are you a doctor here?”

“I am.” The stranger smiled but offered no more information.

Sexy smile. She tried again. “Is your office on the sixth floor?”

“It is.”

Did she detect an accent? Her eyebrows furrowed together. Had they met before? She would have definitely remembered. She glanced down at his hospital tag just as the elevator came to a stop. Dr. Bennet. The door slid open so she turned to step out. She stopped short when she realized she didn’t know where to go.

Dr. Bennet walked right into her and grabbed her elbow so she wouldn’t fall.

“I’m so sorry. Are you a’right?”

Definitely an Australian accent, or something by there. “It’s my fault.” She shook her head. “I’m not sure where Dr. Thompson’s office is. Last time I was here they were still finishing this floor.”

Two young nurses walked by. One winked at the doctor. “Hi, Elijah.” The other nurse elbowed her. “Oops. Hello, Doctor Bennet.” The two disappeared into the nurse’s room.

Elijah? Charity remembered her dad’s phone call when she’d spoken to him. “I’m Charity.” She held out her hand. “I’m Dr. Thompson’s daughter. We spoke earlier this week on the phone.”

Elijah reached for her hand. His warm, strong fingers enclosed around hers and he smiled at her again. “I remember. You’re much more beautiful in person.”

No wonder the nurses were so friendly. He was a lady’s man.

“I can take you to your dad. I was just about to see him myself.”

“That’d be great.” If he was a flirt, she could flirt, too. “Lead the way.”

He pulled his phone out of his chest pocket and checked his messages. “I just need to call downstairs to see if my x-rays are done.” He headed past the nurses’ station and down the hall.

Charity followed and admired his lean muscular shoulders that dipped into a firm derriere that looked fantastic in hospital pants. She felt her cheeks grow warm. There’s nothing wrong with appreciating a fit body. Get over it, girl.

“…Thanks. Have someone send them up to the sixth floor review room. I need them quick.” Elijah tucked his phone back in his pocket. “Sorry about that. So, how long are you in town to see your dad?”

“Just the weekend. He wants a fancy to-do for his sixty-fifth. He’s asked me to plan it.”

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