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Making the Break (Beating the Biker 2)

Page 52

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“Uh... No. Not possible.”

She came to the doorway and stood in the doorframe. The light from the living room backlighted her curvy silhouette. “You okay?”

“Fine,” he replied cautiously. “What’s up?”

She shifted from side to side, as if nervous. “I, um, heard some news that I got from my grandfather. Rather my sister, Gloria, got the news and told me.”

Saks wasn’t used to seeing Chrissy nervous. Angry, determined, stubborn, yes. But not tongue-tied and nearly incoherent. It was kind of cute.

You’re an idiot, Saks. This woman has pummeled you, insulted you, and left you more times than you can count and you think she’s cute?

Hell, yes.

And the worst part of it was he suspected this woman would melt him into a puddle any time she wanted. He had it bad for this pretty Serafini.

“What is it, Chrissy?”

“The men who hit you are from the DiMea family.”

DiMea? The Jersey boys?

“They were hired by the Rojos to get revenge for getting their gang in trouble with the law.”

“Rojos,” hissed Saks. Is that what Pez was doing hanging around him? Getting intel on where he’d be and when? To make it easier for the men he hired to make the hit?

“Thanks for telling me, Chrissy. I’ll pass it along to my cousin.”


“Yeah, Louis Anglotti, one of Westfield’s finest.”

“Oh.” She didn’t move from her spot in the doorway, and she looked damn sexy standing there. His brain centered on the curves of her breasts swelling in the light button-down sweater she wore as a shirt. Underneath that shape-clinging sweater he knew she was wearing lace. White? Or Black? Either would be sexy as hell against her skin. “Would you do me a favor?”

“What favor?” she asked. The uncertainty in her voice hit a chord with Sakes. Perhaps she wasn’t as adamant about staying away from him as she’d declared. Otherwise, why was she standing here in his room?

“Could you help me with something? I’m sorta stuck.”

“What do you mean?”

“Can you help me sit up? This sling they make me wear restricts my movements.”

“Oh! That kind of stuck. Okay...” she said hesitantly. She walked to his bed and held out her arm. He wrapped his good arm around it, and pulled against her.

But she was all of a buck ten, while Saks easily had eighty pounds on her, and when he pulled against her arm, she fell forward.

“Oh shit,” groaned Saks as she fell against him. The pain in his shoulder flared, but it was worth it to have Chrissy this close to him. Her scent stole his reason and he didn’t care about his shoulder anymore.

“Sorry. Sorry,” she said frantically, trying to push away, but Saks put his hands on her shoulders, stilling her. He gazed into her caramel-colored eyes. “You know,” he said with a smirk, “you were damned sexy standing in my doorway, but you look even better here.”

Chrissy took in a quick breath. “Are you still drugged up?

“If there’s one thing I’m sure of,” said Saks, “I’m of sane mind. This is the one thing that we should always be doing. Stay. For a little bit.”

He shifted slowly, watching his shoulder, and gave her some space to lie beside him. He wasn’t sure she’d stay.

“What’re you doing?”

“Making you comfortable.”

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