Blyssfully Undone (The Blyss Trilogy 3) - Page 39

“By this time, he must’ve had the attention of about twenty people, who then decided to gather around his naked ass to watch the show. For the life of me, I couldn’t figure out what the hell his deal was, and when he stuck his dick into the carton of ice cream, I damn near lost it.”

“Holy fuck, man!” Chase remarks as he bursts out with laughter.

“No, that wasn’t a 'holy fuck',” Stryker adds. “It was from the fiery pits of Hell. If I didn’t know any better, that woman had hot embers of coal in her mouth,” he jokes, but his voice is in serious distress from the graphic memory. All the men howl with laughter as Travis tries very hard to contain himself. His broad shoulders shake as he doubles over in a fit of silent laughter, grabbing his stomach. I cover my mouth, trying to stifle my giggles.

Then Quinn’s deep voice booms out over the laughter as his story continues, “Yeah, but that’s not all, because of the fact his dick was wet, it stuck to the ice cream. So then he had to hobble over to the kitchen sink, only to realize I didn’t have a retractable water faucet.” Quinn’s laugh becomes so raucous it’s almost hard to make out what he’s saying as each syllable comes out on a cackle, “So I have to put the poor bastard out of his misery by dousing him with my cold brew, and I swear to God, I have never seen a dick shrivel to the size of a prune before.”

“And, oh, God, was that sweet relief,” Stryker emphasizes. Travis can’t hold out any longer as he bursts out with laughter. His entire body shakes as he leans on my shoulders, steering me into the kitchen. Everyone’s in stitches, their laughter contagious, and for a brief moment, their banter makes me forget my problems.

Eventually, everyone’s laughter slowly dissolves one by one, and then Stryker notices me. He clears his throat, giving his chin a quick jerk in my direction, looking somewhat sheepish. “Hope you’re hungry. We have a ton of food, but you’ll have to fend for yourself here,” he says. “We’re not used to having a woman at the table.”

I meekly smile as Travis guides me by the small of my back toward the table and pulls out a chair for me. All the guys are looking at me in silence. I feel like I’m under a spotlight, and suddenly, I’m uncomfortable.

Chase speaks up, his voice laced with concern as he asks, “How are you feeling?”

I shrug as I softly respond, “I guess as good as can be expected, given the circumstances.”

Travis then pulls up a chair right beside me, settling himself before he grabs a large dish of baked chicken and dishes some out onto a plate for me. One by one, the men slowly begin to make small talk as everyone eats.

Awkward doesn’t even begin to describe the scene as I sit around the kitchen table with a bunch of hardcore criminals. I don’t know if they’re all in the same business as Travis or not, but either way, whatever they do, it can’t be good. I mean, Quinn alone looks as if he could be the type of man who would handle someone else’s dirty jobs.

One thing is blatantly obvious, however, and that is these men have each other’s backs. They proved that today. How can these guys do what they did today and act so unaffected? I have a feeling I will be haunted for decades by these past two days. My appetite wanes as I think about those horrid, lifeless eyes staring right at me, and I shiver.

The tension in my muscles has loosened, after the long, hot shower I took, and I feel more refreshed. I slip on one of Travis’ t-shirts, which comes down to my knees, and notice he’s laid out a new toothbrush for me beside the sink. Thank goodness. I hate that feeling of fuzz on my teeth.

Once I’m all cleaned up, I step out of the master bath and onto the plush carpet in the bedroom. A laundry basket is sitting on top of the bed. Someone put this in here while I was showering, and just in time too. I need a clean pair of panties. I blush at the thought of one of those men handling my underwear. It’s funny how I used to have two closets full of clothing, and now I’m reduced to a couple pairs of jeans, a few t-shirts, and a sundress Quinn found hanging in his closet.

I reach in the basket, grab a shirt, and begin folding the few clothes I own, when the bedroom door opens. I look over my shoulder to see Travis slip into the room. He quietly shuts the door behind him, and then locks it. My heart begins to pound in my ears at the very sight of him, and as he walks toward me, I can feel the sexual tension rolling off him. No matter how much I want to deny this man, my body overrides my brain every time.

Tags: J.C. Cliff The Blyss Trilogy Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025