Blyssful Lies (The Blyss Trilogy 2) - Page 1

I’ve been irritable all week, wrought with tension and pent up energy, waiting for this particular engagement to finally get here. Now, since the waiting is over, I’m contending with the anticipation of finally making her mine. I have been dying to touch her again, run my fingers through her hair, wrap her in my arms and feel her sweet body pressed against mine. She is my dream come true, and the years of diligently planning, preparing, and executing, just to get to this point in time, have me in a euphoric state of mind. It’s been a hell of a long road, and I haven’t slept much since the day my men brought her into the facility.

From the very moment I laid eyes on her, I knew she would be my undoing. The first time I met her was at her father’s estate years ago. Her father and I had spoken several times on the phone, regarding a business venture I wanted him to invest in. After several conversations, he finally asked me to meet him at his estate in person. It wasn’t too long after that, I found myself driving out to his mansion with contracts and paperwork in hand, ready to finalize the deal.

When I knocked on Mr. Oakley’s front door, I was greeted by what I thought to be an angel dressed in pink. She introduced herself as Julianna, and she knew exactly who I was. Apparently, her father had been running late, told her he was expecting me, and left her with a set of instructions to see me inside. Her bright blue eyes were mystical, full of life and curiosity as she invited me into their home. Julianna all but danced and chatted with animation, escorting me to their sunroom, where I was to wait for her father.

After showing me into the sunroom, she turned to leave, and I didn’t want her to. I found the words slipping from my mouth before I could stop them, asking her to stay and keep me company. Being the ever-sweet hostess with her guest, she happily complied, and I’ll always remember our warm and friendly conversation with infinite detail and fondness.

With each minute spent in conversation, I had become so mesmerized and drawn to her charm. I knew she was going to be highly desirable once she reached the legal age. She had an allurement about her I couldn’t describe; all I knew was her persona held uncountable qualities, including a strong vitality for life. Everything about her was addicting.

She was in her mid-teens, brilliant, and unusually attractive for someone her age. I was astounded at how mature she came across, not to mention she was beyond her years in her ability to hold a conversation at length. We talked and laughed about nothing in particular, passing the time together until her father showed.

When her father finally arrived, she got up to depart from the sunroom, leaving her father and me in private to discuss business, and I immediately felt bereft of her company. I could’ve spent the entire day with her and still felt the loss the very moment we separated. She didn’t know it at the time, but she had pulled me into her enchanted spell the second she opened the door to her house. I swear it was love at first sight. I’ve had hundreds of women before and after her, and none of them have ever been able to compare to her sweet innocence and beauty, both inside and out. I knew then I had to have her for my very own, and I’d do whatever it took to make it happen.

By the end of the first week, I was already counting down the years, months, and days in my head as to how long I’d have to wait for her. I decided while biding my time I would put her under my own personal surveillance team. Within a month of first meeting her, I went ahead and put systems in place, having every one of her moves monitored. I kept close tabs on her every day, and nothing she did could get by me.

Every morning, I would receive daily updates of her; it was the highlight of my day. For every year that went by, I became more and more desperate to have her for my very own. It was like chasing a carrot on a string as she teased me from afar with her growing maturity, grace, and beauty. I didn’t think it was possible for her to get any more gorgeous and alluring than she already had, but she did.

The closest I had ever come to touching her was last Christmas. Her father had hosted a corporate party attended by over one hundred guests. She was too enamored with Adam to pay any notice or attention to the guests that evening. Seeing her and Adam together—up close and personal, and not through a computer screen—only drove me more insane with jealousy. When I found out her dating phase with Adam turned serious, it was all I could do to not rip the boy’s head off.

Tags: J.C. Cliff The Blyss Trilogy Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025