Vanished in Chicago (Vanished) - Page 6

I look at my watch and realize I am late for art class. Damn it. Running down the sidewalk, I clutch my books in my hand, praying to drop nothing. I have my acrylics with me today, and the bottles are glass.

Finally, two minutes later, I huff and heave my way into class, blushing when everyone turns around to look at me. “Good of you to join us, Miss DeSantis.” I duck my head, so embarrassed. Though to be fair, I am never late, and even when I had to fly back home for the reading of the will, which was not done for a few weeks after my dad died, I flew back and forth the same day. Come to think of it; I am allowed some damn bereavement. Now I am incensed. Does he know who I am?

“Well, considering I am still grieving, might I have a second to cry before coming to class?” I exaggerated. Sue me. I watch his face turn the color of a beet, and he begins clearing his voice.

“I… well…yes…Uhm... ok class, where were we?” He turns back to the class and ignores me. Take that asshole.

I sit the rest of the way through class, my mind half on school and half on everything else in my life. Mr. Walsh drops a test on my desk, but instead of moving along, he lingers a bit too long. I look to see his eyes down my shirt, and I want to heave on his pants. When he notices I am looking at him, he smirks and keeps walking. What a creep. “He is a douche.” The boy next to me says. I turn and smile at him, hoping he doesn’t expect me to remember his name. I am horrible with names. “Hi. I’m Paul,” he says, holding his hand out.

“Hi, Paul. My name is Chiara. Nice to meet you.” I answer awkwardly. We have been in class for three weeks, but I know no one.

“Yeah. I am sorry to hear about your dad,'' he whispers, putting his head back down quickly, so we don’t get caught talking.

“Thanks.” I am trying to concentrate on this test. Art is my life. I love it. Live it. Breathe it. I would be mortified if I failed this class, especially since señor dipshit seems to have it in for me.

The next twenty minutes fly by, and I am happy to say I am confident in the results. “That’s it, class. Turn your tests in. No class on Friday. Enjoy your extended weekend.” That is freaking awesome. Maybe I can convince Lily to come here and visit. My sister sent her to stay with the only other ally she said she trusts. His name is Dario… something. All I know is that he is a lawyer/Kingpin guy in Florida. I don’t understand why she couldn’t come here with me. Well, that is not true. I do know why. My cousins and Lily don’t exactly get along. To them, she is an airhead. To her, they are unfeeling heathens. Me, I fall somewhere in between. “Miss DeSantis, if you could see me before you go.” Shit. What the hell does he want?

“Do you want me to stay with you?” Paul whispers into my ear. I forget he was even here. That’s not good. He did not leave a lasting impression, it seems. Not like the guy in the coffee shop, Jakub. He was danger and a chocolate cake all wrapped up in one package. I barely got to take in everything about him before he disappeared. He smelled like sweat and teakwood, but something about him oozes power and respect. I saw the way people there deferred to him, even though he said nothing. I tried to figure out who he was after I left, but the mouths in that place were zipped tighter than my pussy.

I call him the guy from the coffee shop, but he is more than that at this point. How much more, I am unsure. Almost immediately following our meeting, he began popping up at places I, too, was at. The park, the library, just random places. A couple of those times, he would even come with food which further emphasized he was seeking me out on purpose. I know it is creepy, but what girl wouldn’t love that? As soon as I think about it, my clit begins to throb. It has been that way since I bumped into him. The slightest thought of him and I am hot and horny. Geesh. These panties are toast. “Chiara?” Crap. I forgot about him again.

“Uhm, no. Thanks. I can handle him.” I say, smiling and lifting my books. I hope I sound more confident than I feel.

“Well, just in case, I will be right outside the door, one shout away.” Aww. He is sweet. So sweet my tooth is starting to ache. I nod and walk up to the front of the room.

Tags: ChaShiree M Erotic
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