Vanished in Chicago (Vanished) - Page 9

“I have only heard it once and it is not polish. Sounds…Irish or something.”

“Interesting.” His eyes won’t meet mine, so I know he is hiding something more, but right now is not the time to bring it up. “Well, find out. We need all the leverage we can get. Does anything stand out to you?” I have clocked two men eyeing me while speaking into their phones. I have checked two taking up the exit both occasionally giving me the side eye. I noticed all of this. I am trying to teach him observancy, especially in enemy territory.

“Yes. I see four potential issues.” He signals to the ones I spotted, and I feel proud of him right now. Speaking into my earpiece, I make sure everyone outside is good.

“Zolnierz. Everyone sound off.” In my ear I hear all clear. “Syzmon and Filipe everything all set.”

“Boss in and out.” Excellent. I love efficiency. “Great job everyone. Zef and I are on our way out.” I signal for my brother to walk toward the door, but he looks at me like I have two heads.

“That’s it? That is all we came in here for?” he asks exasperatedly like he had something better to do.

“Yes, baby brother. Our very presence has been noted, documented, and reported back to whoever this nobody is. Now, we wait.” Outside, I look over all my men to make sure nothing seems amiss before I dismiss everyone to their regular assignment. I open my door and see Zef is not getting in. “Zef.” he looks back at the door to the bar and then at me.

“I am going to stick around for a few more minutes. Maybe I can find out something about the girl.”

“No.” I tell him. There is no way in hell I am leaving him here alone.

“No?! Jak.”

“No fuck that. If this was your play you should have said something before, I dismissed everyone so I could have left you with some guys. This. Until we know who the fuck it is trying to undermine me, is enemy land. Be smart Zef.” I temper my anger in case someone is in the shadows. I don’t want the slightest hint of a chink in the armor.

“Jesus, Jak. I am not a dummy. I sent a message for Chedomir and Iwan to meet me.” Well shit. He should have led with that.

“Look, I’m sorry, okay. I do not think you are dumb. But you are not only my number two, but you are also my baby brother and I love you, Kocham Cie.” I tell him once again in Polish with my forehead to his. Unlike some of these other bastards out here destroying our neighborhoods and rotting up the streets, I am not afraid to show my love for my family and my emotions. That is what separates the animals from the men.

“Same big brother. Now go. Your prize might have woken by now.” The moment he mentions what is waiting for me when I get home, I get hard.

“Check in, alright.”

“You know it.” I hesitate a moment longer knowing something is off, but at some point, I am going to have to trust him. I feel better as I am getting into my car and see the other two assigned to his quadrant pulling up. I wait to make sure they have him flanked before speeding off.

The entire drive is fraught with anticipation. How is she going to be when I get there? Her mouth is sassy and plump when on the streets and she thinks she is safe, but perhaps the reality of waking up somewhere different, not safe will make her meek and soft. I chuckle and shake my head. My dick jolted when I said soft. Seems he likes his women fiery.

Pulling up I see my mom outside the door. “Mama.” I say kissing her cheek. “Co jest nie tak? What’s wrong?” She looks concerned and my trigger finger begins to twitch. If someone is fucking with her, I will blast them right now.

“I heard what sounded like crashing noises when I was going for my nightly walk and wanted to check on you two.” Well shit. That answers one question.

“Oh. We are both fine, mama. Zef is out for the night.” She gives me the momma look. You know the one when they aren’t saying something, but they really are with their eyes that are looking right through you, scolding you even though she is holding her tongue. Yep. That one.

“Is everything alright son?” I hate making her worry and keeping her in the dark. Hopefully it is not for long, but, until then.

“Yes. Everything is fine.” She gives me a once over before she walks away. No matter how old I am and how much power I have I will always be a little boy when it comes to how I respect my mom. She walks back through the garden, and I open the door of the house. Walking in I am expecting to hear noise and mayhem from upstairs, but it is quiet and still. “Well shit. Maybe she fell back asleep.” The disappointment is almost comical. I was looking forward to some entertainment. After dropping my jacket and keys on the table in the foyer, I ascend the stairs. Leaning against the door, I still hear nothing.

Tags: ChaShiree M Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024