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Vanished in Chicago (Vanished)

Page 13

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“Mr. Wojcik, so good to see you. It has been too long.” A waitress walks over to the table and immediately begins flirting with him. Never mind the fact that I am right here. She turns facing away from me, but it is clear to see she has unbuttoned her shirt a little more than slightly and is finding reasons to lean over the table. If I wasn’t so busy trying to escape, I would slap her over her slutty face. Jakub looks at me and smirks.

“Uh, Mandy, is it? I would like for you to bring two of the house specials to the table and a glass of royal and a seltzer. Oh, and keep those fake ass tits out of my face. It’s disrespectful to my fiancée.” Shit. She scrunches her face before huffing away with the menus. Why did he have to go and do that? Now I want to crawl in his lap and kiss him. Focus, Chiara. Focus.

“Am I allowed to go to the bathroom or is that a no no in being a hostage 101?” I need to remember I am here against my will. Something flashes in his eyes at my comment before he leans into my ear.

“I can't wait to stuff that smart ass mouth with my cock.” What is it saying about me that I want it even though I am about to try to run from him? He lifts his chin giving me permission to go. I walk calmly to the bathroom not wanting to give away anything, but on the inside, my heart is running a marathon. As soon as I am behind the door I exhale and lean against it. Looking around, I see the window is too small for me to fit through. “Shit.” I hear a toilet flush and suddenly, everything falls into place. A woman emerges and I practically attack her. “Excuse me ma'am but do you have a pen and a napkin?” She nods looking at me like I am crazy. I don’t blame her, but I also don't care right now. She hands me both.

My name is Chiara DeSantis and I have been kidnapped. We are sitting in the corner table with candles. Please send help.

I hand her the napkin and watch her face go from unsure to fear. Knowing if I am not at the table in a few seconds, he will come for me. I beg her with my eyes before walking out. His eyes search me as I come, looking for what I don’t know, maybe weapons I might find or something? Something about him is different. When I walked away, he was smoldering and cocky. Now, he seems a bit distracted. He takes a drink before sitting back and folding his hands in his lap. “Who are you?” My eyes meet his not sure if this is a joke, but when he doesn’t flinch, I have a moment of incredulity.

“Are you serious? You kidnapped me. You have basically been stalking me for weeks. Showing up everywhere I am and shit. Pretending to like me. Now you ask who I am?” I am almost to the point of hysteria. I want to laugh so loud.

“You aren’t Romeo’s daughter, are you?” Ah. Now I see. He was supposed to take one of my cousins. This is making more sense.

“No, I am not.” His jaw clenches and I see a flash of guilt in his eye before it is covered up by steely determination. I wait for him to say something, but when he doesn’t, I fill the void.

“So, what now? You trade one daughter for another?” I know it is absurd but, it's all I’ve got.

“No. Mistake. No Mistake. I meant everything I said. You belong to me now. I didn’t spend all that time watching you, following you, sniffing you when you weren't looking just to kidnap you. I could have taken you at any point. The second you bumped into me with your coffee, your scent was embedded in my mind. Your smile was seared into my veins. Your eyes saw into a part of me never before uncovered. I want all of that for myself. Directives be damned.” Well shit. It wasn’t Shakespeare but hell, my panties are stuck to the damn chair.

Unsure of what to say after that eloquent speech, I sip my seltzer and try not to squirm. The waitress comes finally with the food, and I have never been more grateful for something to occupy my mouth. “Excuse me Sir, I think your young lady dropped this.” I watch in horror as he hands him my lifeline, the note I gave to the woman, my way out of here. He barely glances at what I wrote, and it is now being held against the candles, burning. The man looks at me, an apology in his eye before he walks away.

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