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Vanished in Chicago (Vanished)

Page 19

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I grab the walkie talkie from the wall and call into the guard house. “Stanislaw, who was on duty when Miko showed up?” I ask him because he is over the guards. He knows more about the rotation than I do and though it might be a mistake, it is how it is.

“Chedomir and Leon. Is everything alright boss?”

“No, it is not fucking alright. They didn’t alert me that Miko was here and allowed him into my home without my permission. Does that fucking sound alright to you?”

“Shit, boss. What do you want me to do?”

“You and them meet me in the main house in twenty minutes.” I don’t bother with more words. I want them to come now, but I need to have Anya, my chef, cook something for Chiara. I meant to lick her and sate my lust then bring her down here to eat. Seems I have a change of plans.

Anya finishes up the pancakes, sausage and eggs and takes it upstairs. Right on time she goes out the back door to her quarters and the front door opens. My brother walks in along with the three men.

“Jak what is going on?” he asks as he stands beside me, hands folded in front of him. He might not be clued in, but he will stand by me no matter what. Once everyone is in front of me, I move in front of them. I want to be in their face, looking in their eyes.

“Who decided not to alert me that Miko was on my property?” I hear Zef curse under his breath.

“Well, he is our boss and…” Leon opens his mouth, making himself the first to go down. Stanislaw hangs his head knowing the outcome of this situation now. Leon closes his mouth realizing his misstep, but it is too late. He has played his hand, proverbial and literal.

“So, he is your boss? Interesting. I could have sworn your money comes from me and my holdings. Does it not?” I look at Chedomir awaiting his response. I respect a man who looks me in my eye and speaks his truth, even if it will get him killed.

“He is your father. I would never disrespect him.” The truth finally comes out.

“No. You would instead disrespect me.” I walk away from all of them in silence, confident that not one of them will move until dismissed. In the living room, next to the door is my collection of weapons from enemies and allies alike. My mind is abuzz with numerous things. Such as I should be upstairs balls deep inside of the sweetest, tightest pussy in the world, but instead I am in my own home vetting out the traitors in my own organization.

When I walk back into the kitchen, all eyes drift to the sword in my hand and I almost sneer, baring my teeth at the fear radiating from the two of them. Stanislaw doesn’t disappoint. He holds himself high and strong, wilting for no one. “You know I want to slaughter all of you, cut your fucking heads off and feed them to the boars at the crematorium, but perhaps I am being hasty. Maybe you simply need to learn a lesson. Be reminded where your loyalty stands. What do you think gentlemen?” I look at each of them but no one's eyes meet mine except Stanislaw. “Oh, not so chatty now huh?” I move a stool to the center of the kitchen and stand in front of it. “Leon, kleczec.” I wait for him to follow my orders and kneel behind the stool. “Place your dominant hand on it.'' The air in the room is sucked up as everyone realizes what is about to happen. I hear Zef swallow behind me, but he knows not to show weakness.

“Zrób to albo gin.” Do it or die, Stanislaw tells him. I watch his knees hit the floor and my muscles coil. The adrenaline begins to pump through my veins, knowing blood is going to be shed. The smell of copper is like a perfume all its own. When his hand is on the stool, I raise the Dadao sword I won in a poker game and in one smooth motion I slice his right hand off. My dick jerks when his wail rents the air. I stumble a bit out of pure bloodthirst as he falls to the floor holding his hand, blood spewing all over the place.

“I will call in the cleaner and doctor,” Zef says to my right. I simply nod as I wipe the sweat from my mouth. This is my crack. This is the junk flowing through my veins, muddying the blood that flows there keeping me in the dark.

“Chedomir,” I say nothing else. I watch his punk ass piss on my floor before he kneels. He snivels and snots, begging me to reconsider and give him a chance to prove his allegiance. Fucking disgusting piece of shit. I say nothing. I nod toward the stool and wait for him to do as I have instructed. The moment his hand hits the stool I strike, growling when his hands hit the floor and rolls under the table.

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