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Vanished in Chicago (Vanished)

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“Oh um, I would love to, but I have to be at my uncle’s right after class. Sorry,” I apologize when I see the disappointment on his face.

“It’s cool, I understand. Well maybe you can give me your number and we can make plans to meet up.” Shit. This is not going good at all.

“Good morning, class. Glad to see all of you are on time.” Professor Walsh interrupts us thank God, but in the same sentence manages to take a dig at me. Prick.

The rest of class goes by in a blur of lingering looks from Professor Ewww and looks of longing from Paul. Luckily, I am more than prepared for this test, so all of the distractions don’t phase me. “Times up. Pens down. Please pass your papers up and wait for me to account for everyone before you are dismissed.” I pass my test up and begin packing up. I need to sprint out of here while everyone else is leaving so maybe I can blend in and pass them. “Alright class. It has been a pleasure. Don’t forget the online Era of Art test that has to be completed by the end of the week. Enjoy the rest of your summer.”

Quickly I grab my bag and look into the hallway. Surprisingly enough I don’t see my guards standing in the hall like unmovable masses of destruction. I walk in the opposite direction of where we would normally go. The hall that leads to the back exit is dark and gives me an uneasy feeling, but I am almost to the exit, so I keep going. I see the door up ahead and am about to jump up and down when a hand comes over my mouth.

Kicking and trying to scream and bite the hand, I am being dragged down the dark hallway but away from the exit. I have no idea who the hell it is, but then he whispers in my ear. “Did you really think you were going to get away from me?” Oh God. Seriously. Professor Ewww. We enter a classroom, and he slams me up against a wall before turning to lock the door. The slam disorients me for a second, so I miss my chance to find something to grab. “Finally, alone,'' he says walking over to me slowly like a predator and his prey.

“What are you doing? You are a teacher for crying out loud,” I yell at him hoping someone will hear us.

“Luckily for me I am no longer your teacher, Chiara.”

“What do you want?” I ask him, moving along the wall trying to keep distance between us.

“I want that trashy, little girl pussy you use to bring men to their knees. You think I don’t know you have men salivating, tongues wagging as they follow you around like the slut you are?” Is he serious? This would be humorous if I wasn’t feeling more and more scared by the second. Is that what he thinks?

“I don’t know what you are talking about?” I tell him, still moving along the wall.

“Sure, you do. I smelled your greedy cream the minute you walked into my classroom and sat your delectable ass in the front seat in that innocent little schoolgirl skirt. You have been begging for me to take it since day one…acting appalled anytime I let you know I wasn’t a fool.” Oh God, he is delusional.

“I haven’t done anything. I sit in the front because I don’t like distractions.” It’s true. People talk too much in the back of every class I have been in, so I learned to sit in the front.

“Shut up!” he screams, getting impatient. Trying not to take my eyes off him, I scan the room quickly looking for anything I can use to defend myself but find this room scarcely bare except for a piano, a chalk board, and a big ass desk I cannot move. Shit. “Where are the big dumb jocks always following you around? I notice they are conveniently absent right now. You knew, didn't you? You knew I was going to take what you have been advertising today, huh. You leave them at home?” I am so fucking stupid. Here I am dodging them and now I am in this situation. I am a few feet from the door, so I keep moving slowly.

“I… they are probably looking for me right now.”

“LIAR!!” he shouts, moving closer to me. Fuck. “Stop with the fucking games, little girl. Just tell the truth.” I look to gauge how close to the handle I am, and he uses this moment to rush me. Grabbing my shoulders, he slams me against the wall once more causing stars to line my eyes. Dazed, I can’t fight him, but I can scream.

“HELP!!” I yell into the air hoping someone hears me before his hand covers my mouth.

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