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Vanished in Chicago (Vanished)

Page 36

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“I might have?” I pull another hundred from my pocket.

“Yeah. I have seen him. He mostly sits in the V.I.P section of the club and asks for Cleo.” She points to the blonde girl currently serving drinks to the men in the club.

“Thank you. Listen, if you find anything else or need help getting out, here is my card.” She takes the money greedily and walks away.

“I scan the room looking for Zef and my phone buzzes.

Zef: Got something. Meet me outside.

Thank fuck. If I had to spend one more minute in here, I was going to have to be quarantined.

“What’s up?” I ask him as soon as I can breathe fresh air.

“So, I talked to a girl named Cleo. She says no one knows his real name but they call him ‘Rzeznik’ which means The Butcher.” Seriously. What the fuck? Maybe they should call me the carver since that is what I did to the teachers’ balls. Fucking lame shit.

“Well, it is a start. Are you headed to the house?”

“Yeah. I need a shower after being in that cesspool.”

“No shit. Alright, I will meet you there.” Sitting behind the wheel, I pull out my phone to check on my baby.

“Hey Jak.” I close my eyes letting the sun and honey from her voice wash over me.

“Hey Tink. What kind of trouble have you been getting into?” She scoffs before sassing off.

“None, I will have you know. Your mom just left after we made you dinner and now, I am reading a book.”

“Oh yeah. What book?” She doesn’t answer me for a second and I know she is reading one of those smutty books she thinks she is hiding from me. I tried telling her there is nothing in any of them I am not going to or have done to her body. “Chiara.”

“Just the new Book by ChaShiree M.” The coyness in her voice gets my cock hard.

“What’s it called, baby?”

“Returning to Love.”

“Is it all kinds of dirty?” I love getting her all worked up before I get home to take care of it.

“Well, sort of, but it is mostly sad and sweet.” Well, shit.

“You better not be crying.” I command. I hate for her eyes to water and shit. It does something to my chest and then I just want to give her ass everything she asks for.

“I’m not, jerk.”


“Are you coming home?”

“I am. Why? Do you need something?” My cock is thumping against the steering wheel picturing her playing with her wet pussy waiting for me. Walking into a room that smells like her sweet cunt would be like walking into a flower shop.

“Your cock.” she says in her husky, come fuck me voice. As much as I love how sensual she is, I want her to be swollen and needy.

“You better not be touching my pussy, princess. You know what happens when you touch my property without my permission.”

“But Jakub...”


“Fine grump. Hurry up!” Click. I stare at the phone in shock that she hung up on me. Someone is itching for a spanking.

I am about ten minutes from the house when I notice the same car has been riding behind me the entire time. The windows are tinted so I can’t see inside. “Dumb shits.” Like I will ever lead them to my house. A few swift maneuvers later and I lose them. Losing them is one thing, but the fact that I had a tail at all is an issue.

Once I am inside the gate, I see Zef standing against his car. “Why the hell are you outside the house?”

“Your Queen is inside alone.”

“Is that a problem?”

“Not for me but maybe for her. We haven’t actually met, and I didn’t want her to be uncomfortable.” Well shit. He is right. He has been gone. She knows of him and has seen him before the night we went to the restaurant, but she hasn’t spent much time with him. But still, this was his house before I lost my heart to her and for now, it is our family home although it won’t be for long.

“Come on.” He doesn't move and I see something is bothering him.

“What is it?”

“Shit.” He runs his hand through his hair.

“Spill it, Zef.” I don’t have time for this. I have a wet pussy upstairs waiting for me.

“Her sister is here.” That is not what I expected to hear.

“When did you find out?”

“While I was waiting for you to show up. She came by private Jet owned by Sean O’Brien. I had my contact at the TSA looking out.

“I picked up a tail on the way from the club. I wonder if it was them.”

“She didn’t come alone, Jak. She brought her whole crew.” He hands me his phone and I see a line of women departing the jet. All equally badass but the one in the front I know for sure is my loves sister. They have the same shaped face even though she is a redhead. Interesting. Well shit. Let the hunt begin.

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