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Vanished in Chicago (Vanished)

Page 43

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“Yeah, but you don’t know who brought us here.” The sad truth is I do know. However, what I have to do inevitably will be more justified if he says the words.

“I’m listening.”

“What do I get if I tell you?”

“I don’t cut your dick off and feed it to you before hanging you from the balcony.” Hey, it's the best I got. He deserves nothing else. I see the resignation in his eyes as he comes to terms with his demise. He can tell by looking in my eyes that I am going to end him one way or another. His only choice is how much dignity I give him. Shoulders slumped; he looks down before answering.

“Your father.” I thought hearing it out loud would make the blade cut less, but I was wrong. It doesn’t hurt me, I have always known he saw my mom, brother, and myself as dispensable. I never thought that would change. It hurts because my grandfather is going to be crushed that his own son is planning his demise.

“Very well. No dick in the mouth.” I stand behind him and pull the winder in my watch. It separates with a wire, turning into a garrote. I wrap it around his neck and pull, tightening it little by little. My eyes close and my head falls back at the feeling of taking someone's life. I am not an insensitive prick. I would never relish ending the life of someone who didn't deserve it. But this pissant, nobody, tried to take my woman, my life and kid from me. He deserves far worse than this. I picture the look in my father’s eyes when I end him. Will he have a fleeting moment of regret for this lack of love, or will he remain an unfeeling shell of a man my grandfather never intended him to be?

His body begins to jerk as he starts to slip away, and I exhale with the last twitch. My arms drop to my side, and I take a deep breath, allowing the last hour to seep into me. Reminding myself we found her before something happened and that now, I have my final confirmation.

I see a black duffel bag on the floor of the room and when I open it, it further confirms their plans for my princess. I find duct tape, rope, gloves, and twist ties. My gut clenches thinking of what would have become of her if I hadn’t put hardware on her. Hoisting his body on mine, I walk up the winding staircase with the rope in my hands. A few knots and minutes later, I pull his keys from his pocket and leave him hanging from the balcony, with a message on his chest.

“You’re next!!”

Driving down the road, I pull up the phone and call Zef. “Are you home?”

“Yes. She is upstairs. Tell me you are on your way here. She was really upset, and I could hear her crying.” That fucking destroys me. I never want tears in her eyes.

“Shit.” I push the gas pedal down further and punch it.

“Jakub, I got a call from my guy inside Interpol. Is it true? Did dad bring him here?”

“Yes.” The line is silent for a second and I know he is trying to process it. He also has no delusions about who he is and who we are not to him, but I think that the little boy in him always thought he would come around.

“How long have you known?” “

“Almost from the moment grandpa told us the story.”

“So, what now?”

“I end it. This was a setup, Zef. It was meant to take out you, me, and grandpa. I need you to get mom to safety.”

“You think she could be in danger?”

“Yes. There is nothing but collateral damage in war, Jozef. You know that and by bringing him here, Miko has declared war.”

“Do you want me to take Chiara as well?”

“No! I will secure her myself.” Right now, I need her.

“Very well. I will stay until you arrive and then mom and I will leave.”

“Thank you. Make sure the safehouse is secure and you are not followed. Once the security system is set, come back.”

“You got it.”

Walking through the door, I take the stairs two at a time until I am outside of the door. I place my head on it, taking deep breaths. When it opens, I find her on the bed, facing away from the door. I can see her body jerking and hear sniffles. “Tink.” I say her name barely above a whisper because it is so hoarse. All the emotions of the past day have culminated in a tornado of fire in my chest and it's making it hard for me to breathe.

“Jak. Oh my God!” She flies off the bed into my arms and I stumble back, overcome with having her in my arms. “I thought I would never see you again. Are you okay? Are you hurt?” She is looking me over, frantically checking every inch of me she can reach with her legs wrapped around my waist.

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