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Vanished in Chicago (Vanished)

Page 51

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“Yeah sorry. I just woke up. I was brushing my teeth. Oh, my goodness. In love with who?” I am going to hell.

“Well, that is the part you have to promise me you won’t tell.” Uh oh.

“I promise.” Oh boy. Giulia hates it when we do that ‘twin secret thing’ she calls it.

“His name is Julio Barbieri, and he is everything,” she says in her dreamy voice.

“Who is that?” I need to get as much information out of her as possible. “Lily?” Well, shoot. Did the call drop? Suddenly, I hear moaning on the other end and then a dial tone. Well shit. At least someone is getting some. The truth is I am jealous and so fucking afraid. I miss him so much. Three days now and no texts, or calls.

“You finally woke up, I see.” Giulia says, sitting on the bed.

“Have you heard anything?” I ask her.

“No. I’m sorry.” Oh God. The feeling in my stomach is not going away. Something happened to him. I know it. “I did hear from the Valladares Family and the Vitali Syndicate.” I am failing to see why I should care about this.

“Ok.” She smirks because she knows I don’t know what any of it means but I am trying to be patient.

“Seems he reached out and brokered an alliance between all of us.”

“I assume that is good.”

“Yes. Shows he was recently active and thinking about this family and cementing his position.” Ah. I see.

“Will he have a position?”

“Do you really love him?”

“Yes, with all of my heart.”

“Are you going to marry him?”

“As soon as he asks me to.”

“Then yes. He will have a position. He will be my head enforcer. In charge of organizing our security and controlling our muscle.” Sounds like he would be a big deal.

“He won’t leave his brother behind.” I tell her, wanting her to know how much his family means to him.

“If his brother is loyal and can be trusted, he can be his second.”

“We have to have a place for his mom.” My sister looks at me annoyed because I am making demands, but if he is alive, he is going to be my husband and I need to make sure she knows what he means to me.

“Was she good to you?”

“Yes. She reminded me of what I used to wish for when momma died. She is kind and sweet, but she is also truthful and doesn’t hold back.” Giulia smiles and nods her head.

“Yeah. She sounds like momma.'' I wish I remembered her, but she died when I was so young, and I have almost no memories other than the pictures and videos. “Then don’t worry about her. He will have everything he needs to take care of his family, including the ones coming with him. Now, speaking of taking care, you have to eat.” Ugh. The mention of food makes me sick. I have always had an issue eating when I am worried about something and now is no exception. If anything, it is worse.

“I am not hungry right now.”

“If you do have a baby in you, it needs food Chi.” Shit. She is right. Jak would be so upset if he thought I wasn't taking care of myself.

“You’re right. Give me a few minutes to put on some clothes.”

Twenty minutes later, I am as presentable as I can make myself under the circumstances. Lunch is good. It is actually kind of fun. All the girls sit and eat with me, and it feels good to just talk and chat for a bit, forgetting everything else for a while. I listen as they tell me stories of the stuff they used to get up when they would sneak out of the house as teenagers, and I have to laugh picturing my dad’s face when he would get wind of it.

Just as things are starting to wind up, the guy I only know as Arch, who came with them to pick me up comes and whispers in my sister's ear. She glances at me and then moves away quickly before she stands from her seat. In sync, the other girls also move and stand there waiting for whatever. She hasn’t said anything, but I somehow know it is about Jakub.

My palms begin to sweat, and my heart starts to beat uncontrollably. I keep wiping them on my pants, but it doesn’t work. Something is about to happen and…the door slams open and standing in the archway is my man. Only he seems…different…wild somehow. Gone is the put together, calm mobster who was always in control. In its place is a feral beast who has his sights set on me.

I watch as he hones in on me and stomps in my direction. I stand to run to him when he is stopped by Arch. “That is far enough,” he says. I hear the rumble from Jak and know things are about to go FUBAR. Uh oh…

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