Vanished in Chicago (Vanished) - Page 53

“I love you, Jakub.” Her declaration is all I need to let go.

“I love you too baby.” I love you too.

I have been awake for about an hour just staring at her. We have been in this room for hours fucking and making love. She finally passed out around round four. So, I took the moment to slip my ring on her finger. Looking at it twinkling at me while she is naked and blushed all over is beckoning me to roll her over and slide into her once more.

“Jakub,” she says my name in a whisper, waking up to her new jewelry. “You didn't even ask.” She sasses, examining her ring.

“Nope. Didn’t have too.” I wink.

“You are lucky I love you, jerk.” She stops smiling and then looks at me with tears in her eyes. “I was so scared, Jakub.”

“Me too baby. Me too.”

“Make love to me, Jakub.”

“You never have to ask for that, baby.”





Chiara and I were married three months ago in a double wedding with her sister. I was hellbent on getting her down the aisle the same weekend I put my ring on her finger, but my baby wanted a real wedding and I find myself hard pressed to tell her no, unless I find it dangerous. A few weeks after we settled into the house her sister gave to us, we found out she was pregnant. Seems I nailed her ass on the first try.

Lately she has been fluttering around and preening like a peacock. Since we have moved and said our vows, she seems more…settled. Calm. Even Giulia commented on how happy she seems. At night, when I am done fucking the frustrations of the day out of my system, I hold her in my arms and listen as she tells me all about her day. She has found a few charities she wants to join and as long as her detail can go with her, New York is her playground

The past few weeks she has been planning this double baby shower for her and her twin who is also pregnant. It has been really hard for her not having Lily close since she and her husband reside in Florida, but they see each other every chance they get. In between times, she runs our home like a fine-tuned machine, with the help of my mom of course.

I was worried when I brought the idea to my mom of moving here permanently. I even had a wing built for her so she could have the same privacy she had in Chicago. I know she was hesitant at first, but the minute I told her we were having a baby she was on the next flight. I love watching the two women in my life together, bonding and developing a relationship of their own.

As I expected, there has been some residual blowback for the bloodshed I left behind in Chicago. Some of my father’s loyal men have been making threats and as a result, a few of my men and I are going to have to go back and finish the rest that are left. When I left there, I promised myself that nothing would touch my family from my old life, and I meant that.

Since I have been here, I have something I never had…a real family. Even her sister Giulia is technically my boss. When we are at a family dinner, which my wife insists on once a week, her sister holds fast that I call her by her name. In the streets though, I call her Boss or ma'am. I have found more than respect for the way she runs her crew and family. She rules with respect and compassion, but also with finality. I have watched those betray us fall at her hand either by sword, gunpowder or by her bare hands. Badass does not begin to cover it.

Using the contacts, I have amassed over the years in Chicago and here, I have an army of men beneath me, chosen by me and loyal to me…DeSantis ‘made’. I know when I go out in the streets and handle our daily operations, the men sworn to have my back, actually have my back. Well, except for one.

My brother has been gone since I came here and even though he checks in, I still don’t know what he is doing. He says he is fine, and he doesn’t need me, but I can’t help but worry. It does piss me off that my mom is worrying as well, but like she said, that is a mother's plight.

Right now, I am going to spank my wife's ass if she doesn't stop trying to impale herself on my cock. Smack. “Calm your ass down, Tink. You better not hurt my kid,” I tell her smacking her ass once more.

Tags: ChaShiree M Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024