The Heart of Us (Love in Isolation 4) - Page 44

He coughs and shakes his head. “This is about the only thing I can make. Though, I feel like I could probably follow a recipe.”

“We all start somewhere,” I tease. “But this is phenomenal. Paired with the wine. I don’t deserve this.”

“Yes, you do,” he declares. “This and more, and if I have to spend the next six months proving that to you, I will.”

“Is that a promise?”

“You bet your ass,” he taunts.

I chuckle, taking my garlic bread and scooping up the remaining sauce from my plate.

“Want more?” Easton asks. “There’s plenty.”

“Oh gosh no. It was the perfect amount. Any more and you’d have to carry me upstairs.”

His brow pops up, and he smirks. “That can be arranged.”

I snort. “I dunno if you can carry me.”

“Are you kidding me? You’re as light as a feather.”

“I’m heavier than I look,” I confirm.

“We’ll have to put that theory to the test. You know I like a good challenge.” He grins.

After Easton puts up the food, he sets several expensive-looking bottles of wine on the bar. Glasses are waiting for us along with more candles. I appreciate how much care and planning went into making tonight special.

“I thought we could do a wine tasting,” he offers. “Piper had the place stocked before she was pregnant and told us to drink it so she wouldn’t be tempted when they came to visit.”

He sets several bottles in front of me, then sits right beside me at the bar top. “I can’t even pronounce some of these names.” I don’t even try.

“That’s a 2003 bottle of Egon Muller Scharzhofberger Riesling Trockenbeerenauslese,” he reads, slightly butchering it with a horrible accent.

“Sounds like a mouthful.”

He lifts a brow and meets my eyes with his heated gaze. Then he quickly clears his throat. “Apparently, this vineyard is located in Germany, and it’s the best Riesling on the market. Have you had it before?”

I shake my head. “No, before tonight, the only wine I ever had was with a screw top.”

He chuckles. “Another first then.” He pours a small amount in the bottom of my glass and then does the same for his. Then he raises it, and I lift mine too.

“A toast to you. Here’s to many firsts. I can’t wait to experience more with you.”

Heat rushes through my body, and I chew on my lip. “I’d like that,” I honestly say.

The tension in the room grows thick, and right now, I want nothing more than to slide my lips against Easton’s. By the way he’s looking at me, I think he wants the same, but I’m not sure. I don’t know what to look for because I’ve never really had to date anyone. We gulp down the wine, and my eyes widen. It’s the most delicious thing I’ve ever had, and I can’t believe it’s alcoholic.

“Did you like it?”

“Are you kidding? It was amazing.”

“You should totally download the wine tasting app on your iPad and add these to your list. Riesling is sweet. Light and well-balanced. And don’t let the color fool you. It will totally fuck you up because it’s easy to drink fast.”

My head falls back with laughter. “Noted.”

The sweet, light flavor is still on my palate, and I want more. “You only gave me one tiny sip!” I push my glass toward him. “Fill it halfway.”

He tilts his head and holds his hand out to show all the other wines we’ll be drinking tonight. “We still have six more bottles to open, but I won’t argue. It’s great.” He refills both of our glasses with triple the amount of his first pour.

Easton pulls out his phone and adds the wine to his app. “Get in close, and hold your glass. I want to add a picture to the entry.”

His warm body presses against mine, and he lifts his phone. I smile, noticing my face is already flushed. After he snaps it, Easton shows me.

“It’s perfect,” I mutter with a grin.

“Yeah, it is.”

“Can you text it to me?” I ask.

“Sure thing. I can actually AirDrop it to your iPad.”

“Oh okay, awesome.”

I quickly grab my tablet and set it down next to his phone. He presses a button, and the picture is delivered immediately. It opens up on the big screen, and I smile at how happy we look. If anyone else saw this, they’d easily assume we were a couple. I lock the iPad and set it to the side, though I feel like I could stare at that picture all night long. This is a memory I’ll never forget—I’m thirty-seven and experiencing my first date.

I gulp down the half glass of Riesling and enjoy how smooth it is. “I taste peaches and something else.”

“Apricot,” he confirms. “It’s very citrusy but finishes nicely.”

“Totally. So what do we have next?” I turn to look at him as his arm brushes against mine.

Tags: Kennedy Fox Love in Isolation Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024