The Heart of Us (Love in Isolation 4) - Page 54

“I pray for the guy you end up with. I hope he has lots of patience and can deal with your sass.”

“I’d be offended, but you’re not wrong. Men my age are annoying and lame, so I’ll probably end up with an older man. And I probably haven’t met him yet because he’s still with his first wife, who’s been secretly having an affair with his brother.”

“What in the Wattpad have you been reading?”

“How do you know about Wattpad?” She gasps, and I chuckle.

“I’m not a prude!” I retort. “You make me out to be a nun sometimes.”

“Ha! Now go let that hunk of a man rip off your nun habit and get to your fun parts.”

“Good Lord. I’m leaving now. Text me when you make it home so I know you’re safe. Love you.”

“Love you too. Now go have tons of sex,” she blurts out before I end the call.

My mouth hurts from smiling so much. Oakley always puts me in a good mood. However, maybe she’s right. Maybe Easton and I would have a fighting chance if I gave us a shot.

Perhaps, it’s time to find out.

Chapter Fifteen


DAY 17

Tatum’s call with Oakley echoed into the hall. I wasn’t trying to eavesdrop, but I couldn't walk away once my name was mentioned. Call me a nosy bastard, but I wanted to hear Tatum's responses.

And she confirmed everything I thought.

She wants me as much as I want her, and I fully understand her hesitations and concerns. I have them too. But I know what’s in my heart, and I’d regret not giving us a chance until the day I died.

Tatum has no problem fooling around, but then she gets lost in her head with doubt. My plan is to do whatever I can to change that.

Falling asleep didn't come easy since I was consumed by thoughts of her, which meant I ended up sleeping in. By the time I make it downstairs, it's almost noon.

“Good afternoon, sleepyhead,” she teases from the sofa with George's cage on the coffee table in front of her. She's sitting in a cute sundress with her legs tucked and the iPad against her knees. “I was getting worried.”

“Yeah, I know. I haven't slept this late since I was a teenager. Guess my body needed it.” I go to the kitchen and make a cup of coffee.

Tatum comes over, and I immediately smell the scent of her shampoo. She looks up at me but seems nervous.

“I've been reading this book all morning, and there was a specific scene that inspired me. I want to try something if you'll let me.”

I arch a brow, then set my mug on the counter. “Okay.”

“Alright, I need you to stand very still. Don't move.”

“Uhh...sure,” I say as she grips my arms and holds me steady.

She inches closer. “Wait. I'm too short. Hold on, I need to find a step stool.”

“No need.” I grab the back of her thighs and scoop her up, then set her butt down on the counter.

She squeals, holding me. “I guess this works too.”

I stand between her legs as they hang off the edge. She swallows hard, realizing how close we are. “Now, put your arms behind your back and close your eyes.”

I do as she says, anticipating her next move.

She’s silent for several seconds. All I hear is her heavy breathing until her palms gently cup my face. I know she can feel how fast my pulse is beating, but I can tell hers is too.

Finally, she presses her lips to mine. She carefully brushes her tongue along my bottom lip before pulling away.

“You aren't kissing me back,” she says quietly.

Keeping my eyes shut, I remind her, “You told me not to move.”

She releases a groan. “Maybe this was a bad idea.”

Oh hell no. Her fear of rejection is overpowering her ability to be honest.

“Tell me what you want, Tatum.”

“I-I don't know.”

I open my eyes and tilt up her chin. “You're in control here. Whatever you want, I'll give you. Remove all your doubts and insecurities and listen to your heart. What do you want? I'll never do anything without your permission.”

“I want you to kiss me back,” she states.

“I thought you’d never ask.”

She leans in, cautiously colliding her mouth to mine, and as soon as her tongue slides between my lips, I deepen our connection. I palm her cheeks but let her lead the pace. She pulls me closer, wrapping her thighs around my waist and pressing my body against hers.

My mouth slides down her jawline, and she releases a moan as I suck on her earlobe. When her head falls back, I drag my teeth along her skin.

“You're so damn sweet,” I murmur. Her breathing grows ragged as she clings to me. My hard cock rubs against the inside of her legs as her dress bunches around her waist.

Tags: Kennedy Fox Love in Isolation Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024