Savages (Depraved Sinners 3) - Page 21

I give her a fake smile while inwardly laughing at the thought of me getting my hands on a cell phone to be able to call her in the first place, but truth be told, I’m perfectly fine in this fucked-up world and I think she can see that. She’s a smart woman and I’ve appreciated her visit, but just one look at me and she can see the hell I’ve been through over the past few months. There’s no denying that she knows who Marcus is; the whole world does. I just have to hope that she’s smart enough to keep her mouth shut about today’s appointment. If she knows what’s good for her, she will, and I don’t mean that as a threat. I truly hope she doesn’t try anything stupid like swooping in to save me. I don’t need a hero, not anymore. I am my own hero.

I get up to walk her out and she reaches down, placing a hand on my shoulder. “Careful,” she says. “Take it slowly. Your arm may be numb for a little while longer, but the anesthetic will start to wear off and you might experience some discomfort. It shouldn’t hang around for too long.”

Nodding my head, I give her a genuine smile. I like this doctor. She was very thorough with me and actually seems to care. She didn’t care for Marcus’ grumpy ass attitude across the room, and she gave out just as much lip as he did in her endeavor to care for me. She did a quick pregnancy test to cover all bases before shoving this thing in my arm, and as we waited for the results, she looked over some of my still healing wounds, though there wasn’t much she could do for them.

I don’t know what it is about a pregnancy test that makes the worst kind of anxiety pulse through my veins, but it was the longest three minutes of my whole time being here so far, and that’s saying a lot. I’m all for women having babies, good for them. I hope their little bundle of joy makes them the happiest motherfuckers around town, but that shit ain’t for me, at least, not yet, and certainly not while I’m still navigating my way around this world. This life isn’t safe for a baby, and Roman’s new son is proof of that. Hell, we can barely keep track of that one. Having another would be a foolish move.

With some more care instructions and some medication to help with my healing wounds, the doctor walks out and I stand with Marcus as she makes her way down the grand entrance of the DeAngelis mansion. “Please don’t hurt this one,” I mutter, hoping to God that she can’t hear my voice trailing across the wind. “I like her.”

Marcus narrows his eyes and I know that one comment from me will keep her safe whether he likes it or not. His lips press into a tight line. “She’s way too confident,” he murmurs.

“I know,” I laugh, slipping my arm through his and dropping my head to his shoulder. “That’s what I like about her. Do you have any idea how refreshing it is to watch other people converse with you three when they’re not afraid of you? It’s the most amusing thing I’ve ever seen.”

He shakes his head. “That only goes to prove just how stupid she is.”

I roll my eyes as she gets into her car and makes a hasty escape. I’m sure she’s not blind to the fact that her life was in immediate danger had she pushed the limits just a little too far. I bet she’s sitting in that car with shaky hands on the steering wheel and sweat pooling under her ass. “She’s not stupid,” I tell him, pulling back on his arm as she disappears down the long drive. “She just cares, and what more could you ask for from your doctor?”

We step back inside the big mansion and find Roman and Levi pushing their way through to the internal garage. My brows furrow and I follow them in. “Going somewhere?” I ask, watching as they empty the back of a few SUVs, clearing them out.

“Heading back to the castle to get our shit,” Levi says, glancing up at me. “You coming, or do you want to chill out here?”

I scoff, staring at him as though he just grew another head. “You’re fucking kidding me, right? You want to leave me here alone so I can get kidnapped again? I mean, sure. I didn’t think we’d be putting this new tracker into action quite so soon, but if you’re sure.”

Levi pauses, glancing up at me again before the corner of his mouth pulls into a wicked smirk. “That was pretty stupid, huh?”

I laugh and roll my eyes as Marcus strides past me to help the guys unload. “Probably your stupidest comment yet,” I agree. “Give me ten minutes and I’ll be ready to go.”

Levi gets back to work without another word, and I slip back into the main part of the mansion and make my way up to my room to get dressed. I can only imagine the type of shit the boys need to collect from their old prison. They made quite the collection of weapons over the ten years they were locked up there, not to mention the fact that Levi doesn’t have a drum kit here. How the hell is he supposed to give me wild drum fuckery without one of those?

After dressing in a matching crop and tights, I pull my hair into a high bun on top of my head and slip my feet into a pair of white sneakers. The comfort of this outfit is beyond anything I’ve ever known, and damn it, it looks cute too. I look like I’m ready to throw down at the gym and start counting calories and macros … whatever the fuck they are, but in reality, I’m probably just going to stand back out of the way, having absolutely no idea how to handle the type of weapons they’re wanting to collect.

Grabbing my pillow off my bed and a soft blanket out of my closet, I make my way back downstairs. It’s a good few hours back to the castle, and after spending the night with Marcus and getting absolutely no sleep, a good nap would do me good.

I step through to the garage right as Marcus steps away from the cars to come and find me, my timing impeccable. “You riding with me?”

Glancing over his shoulder, I take in Roman as he pulls open his driver’s side door and climbs into one of the three black SUVs lining the garage. “Depends,” I mutter. “Do you plan on chit-chatting and listening to screeching music the whole way?”

Marcus scoffs, a grin stretching across his face. “How else do you intend to travel? That’s the only way.”

I look at him in horror. I can’t think of anything worse, at least, just for today. A bit of silence will do me good, even if it means riding with the broodiest asshole in town. As much as I love Marcus’ random chatter, and even if he promised to keep it to a minimum, he wouldn’t be able to make any guarantees. He simply can’t help himself. Roman though, despite his glares, fuming, and brooding, I can guarantee complete and utter silence. There’s just no comparison.

Levi was out of the running before there was even a question. I can only imagine the loud bullshit that would come tearing through his speakers for the next few hours, and I simply can’t stomach it today. The only way I’ll listen to that is if it’s a set of drums directly in front of me and I can feel the vibrations slamming against my chest as he looks at me with a promise to fuck me just as hard as he hits his drums, and damn it, he always comes through.

My gaze sweeps back to Roman and as he tosses something onto his passenger seat, my decision is made. “Ooooh, he’s got snacks.”

Traipsing past Marcus who looks at me like I just kicked his puppy, I slip straight into the backseat of Roman’s SUV and place my pillow down on the leather seat, more than ready to get comfortable for the long ride. Roman stiffens as his head whips around into the backseat. His dark eyes are wide, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen him look so horrified. “No,” he says, gaping at me, the confusion marring his face like nothing I’ve ever seen, and damn it, I think I like bringing this reaction out of him. “Out. There’s no fucking way. Ride with one of my brothers.”

Giving him an innocent smile, I press my head down against my pillow and lay my blanket over myself, making a show of getting comfortable. “Too late now, I’m already here,” I tell him before indicating toward his snacks with a raised, curious brow. “Got any candy up there?”

Roman turns back in his seat and blows out his cheeks, silently fuming as I pull my blanket right up to cover the wide shit-eating grin that tears across my face. A moment passes and I listen to the soft thuds of the boys closing their doors, and not a moment later, Roman tosses a packet of Reese’s peanut butter cups into the back and hits the gas, sailing out of the garage with his brothers following suit.

After napping the majority of the way, Roman wakes me as we make our way down the long driveway of the massive castle. Pushing myself up from my pillow and sitting back in the center seat, I rub at my eyes and stare out through the windshield. “I’ve never gotten past how stunning this place is,” I murmur on a yawn, unable to take my eyes off the castle that changed my life, though I’m still undecided if that change was for the better.

“After ten years of imprisonment, the novelty of it kinda wears off,” he tells me.

I drop my tone, the heaviness of his words sinking into my chest. “I can only imagine.”

All three of the SUVs are backed into the garage and I don’t even want to know what type of things the guys are going to load the cars with. If it were up to me, I’d be getting back the clothes and sentimental shit that I’ve accumulated over the years, but the boys are a different breed.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Depraved Sinners Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025