Savages (Depraved Sinners 3) - Page 49

I gape up at him, anger swirling deep in my stomach as the need to race after the bastard and gouge his eyes out slams through me like hot acid. Only, I don’t get a chance to even whine about it before a wicked grin settles over Roman’s lips. “Well I’ll be fucking damned,” he says, amusement thick in his tone as he watches the door. “The asshole found a set of balls after all.”

My brows furrow as I turn to look at the door and find Louis standing at the entrance, one hand on his wife’s lower back, the other reaching for a drink. He doesn’t bother getting a drink for his wife, and as he strides deeper into the room, I feel a sickening tension thickening in the air. “This isn’t good.”

“Nah,” Marcus laughs, watching the way Victor’s remaining four sons seem to pause and watch him like a hawk, their hands slowly reaching for their guns as every last guest in the room discreetly moves aside, determined not to be collateral damage if this turns ugly. “This is what I call entertainment.”

I roll my eyes and watch closely. Victor was only killed a few nights ago, and from the soft whispers I’ve heard throughout the night, all fingers are pointing to Louis, assuming it was payback for murdering his only son, and damn it, the hard set of his jaw proves it. If only these fuckers knew that both Antonio’s and Victor’s blood is on our hands … hell, Ronaldo’s technically is too. Though we weren’t the ones to pull the trigger there. Though, I have to give it to Louis, he hasn’t lashed out yet. He’s been cool, calm, and collected as he bides his time. Though I’m sure he’s upset that someone else got to Victor before he got the chance.

“Do you think something is going to happen?” I ask, my gaze flicking from one side of the room to the other, watching Victor’s remaining sons closely.

Levi shrugs his shoulders. “Hard to tell,” he says. “Louis is lethal. He’ll even give us a run for our money, but they’d be foolish to do something here with so many witnesses. Everybody knows that they’ll eventually go after him, but it’s bad taste to spill blood at a family event.”

I scoff. “I didn’t realize you guys actually had morals. That’s cute.”

Roman shoots me a hard glare and I don’t doubt that I’m going to get bitched out later for referring to anything that has to do with them as cute. “You want to see cute?” he tells me, grabbing what’s left of Levi’s drink on the table and throwing it back. “I’ll show you fucking cute.”

My brows furrow and I watch as Roman turns his back and starts walking toward the top of the room where the live band is vibing. Seeing Roman approaching, they put their instruments down and give him the floor.

“Ahh, shit,” Marcus mutters. “So, we’re doing this now.”

Roman stands front and center, but with the guests’ attention still waiting for a shootout between Louis and Victor’s sons, Roman pulls his own gun and lets off two perfect shots. One bullet sails past Louis’ wife and shatters the glass in his hand, while the other skims right over the top of Phillip’s head, making his wife drop to the ground and scream until her lungs give out, and his two young daughters turn into sobbing messes on the floor beside their mother.

All eyes snap to Roman while my gaze lingers on Phillip. He should have been killed during our little visit the other day. He’s a vile man and should be offered the most brutal ending, one that I would be more than happy to give. He gave us absolutely nothing in our quest to find Giovanni, though a part of me believed that he truly didn’t know. But what he did tell us sent a wave of nausea and terror through my veins—Giovanni is recruiting an army to force his way back in, or at least that’s what Phillip heard, and if it’s true … shit. The very thought has haunted me night after night, but I trust the boys. If they didn’t think they could handle it, they would have made the necessary arrangements.

Roman’s deep, booming tone fills the air and my gaze snaps back to him. He stands tall and with the eye of every man, woman, and child in the room on him. Half of them watch him with respect, knowing he is a leader among men, while the others watch him with fear, concerned about why he’s here addressing the family and not his father.

“My brothers and sisters,” he says, spreading his arms wide in a welcoming gesture. “Welcome to our home. My brothers and I duly welcome you to the annual DeAngelis Family Ball. It is an honor to host you, and an even greater honor to stand before such an impressive show of blood.”

The room cheers and I watch as Roman’s eyes darken with a sinister excitement, loving the way the crowd eats into his bullshit. “I must thank you all for making the trip out here. We all grieve for Victor DeAngelis. His death, among others, has saddened our hearts, but I believe that he would have wanted tonight to go ahead. So it is in his honor that we celebrate tonight.”

The room erupts again, and I don’t miss the way that Roman’s gaze quickly flickers back toward mine as though proving some kind of imaginary point. He turns back to his doting crowd and holds his hands out, settling them all down as a pained expression forces its way across his face. “However,” he continues. “News of Victor’s untimely passing is not the only devastation I must share with you tonight.”

A hushed silence falls over the crowd, and as if sensing that something big is about to go down, a thick tension spreads over the room, making chills run down my spine. “I am sure by now, you have all noticed my father’s absence tonight, along with his new wife, Ariana. My father is a complicated man, and his wife nothing but a whore who lives off the desire to betray those around her. My brothers and I have suffered at our father’s hands for too many years, and I feel that it is my duty to share with you all that from here on out, the three men you have all feared for so many years have officially inherited our rightful positions at the head of this family. Giovanni DeAngelis no longer rules over you …” he says, watching the horror, shock, and fear washing over the faces of the men, women, and children in the crowd. “We do.”


Three. Two. One.

Booming voices erupt from every corner of the ballroom as Roman stands before them, acting as though he didn’t just drop the biggest bomb that ever existed. Because this chance doesn’t just affect the people in this room, it will rock the whole fucking world. Hell, nobody gives a shit about the tension between Victor’s sons and Louis anymore. That shit is old news compared to this.

A tall man hovering in the shadows of the room steps out and pushes his way through the crowd, staring up at Roman as the people around us warily watch Levi and Marcus. “Are you saying you and your sick brothers murdered the head of our family?” the man demands, his voice sailing over all the gasps of horror.

“No,” Roman says, the people in the room quickly shutting up so they don’t miss what’s being said. “My father is very much alive and will stay that way if he has anything to do with it. I’m sure many of you have seen the way he cowers when in our presence. My father is weak, and has officially lost control. Giovanni DeAngelis has betrayed you all. He kidnapped my newborn son and ran away, and I urge anyone who may know of his whereabouts to come forward, otherwise you will suffer his same consequences.”

“You and your brothers are children,” the man spits. “What the hell do you know about leading this family? You will turn us into a laughingstock. We’ll all be cuffed and jailed under your command.”

Roman laughs. “How lost you are, Uncle,” he says in a mocking tone, making my brows pinch together. Uncle? Is this Giovanni’s other brother who I haven’t met yet? What was his name? Shit … Joseph, maybe? “My father was already in bed with the FBI. Who do you think gave up the location of your country manor last year? That place was raided, right? You lost over four million in cash then came running to my father for help, and he sat there and promised you that he would find the fucker who did it and punish them. Who’s the fucking laughingstock now?”

Roman’s gaze lifts to the crowd as Levi and Marcus watch the room with trained gazes. “My brothers and I are no fools,” he says slowly. “We know that loyalties are not easily won in this world. Loyalty is earned, not expected, so we will allow you the opportunity to decide for yourself. Will you follow us and remain an integral member of our family, or will you disgrace your family name, your blood, to back my father?”

Roman pauses for a brief second before going on. “We do not expect an answer now. We understand that options must be weighed. So, we will allow three days, and in three days’ time, the most senior members of our family will come to me with their families’ response.”

With that, Roman stalks off the stage leaving everyone in stunned silence.

He starts making his way back to us when he’s pulled away by the same man who questioned him. “Who is that?” I ask, glancing up at Levi.

“Joseph,” he says, confirming my earlier thoughts. “He’s my father’s younger brother. Fucking bastard if you ask me. He keeps to himself but when he wants to make a splash, he makes it count.”

Unease rocks through my chest. “Is he going to be a problem?”

Tags: Sheridan Anne Depraved Sinners Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025