Savages (Depraved Sinners 3) - Page 66

“Shiiiiit,” she moans, her cunt squeezing and convulsing around me, shattering into a million exhausted little pieces. She throws her head back, her eyes clenched and her grip tightening on me, and fuck, I let myself go, coming hard into her tight cunt, pouring every last drop deep inside her.

“Holy fuck, Empress,” I breathe, straining to catch my breath. I’ve been fucked by all sorts of women in a million different positions, but nothing even comes close to the way she just made me come.

Her body slowly begins to relax as she collapses into me, panting to catch her breath as her pussy continues to spasm. “Oh my God,” she mutters, her lips moving over my shoulder as I curl my arm around her body again, holding her close and keeping her from falling into an exhausted heap on the mattress. “That … fuck.”

She trails off, not having the energy to complete her sentence, and I smile, knowing I just found my forever.

Shayne takes a moment, slowly regaining her energy, and only when she starts to wriggle on top of me do I raise her chin off my shoulder and catch her lips in mine. “I hope you weren’t finished,” I tell her, pulling back from our gentle kiss before lowering her down to the mattress and hovering over her spent body. “Because I’m hungry for dessert.”

She sucks in a breath as I lick my lips, and without wasting another goddamn second, I slide down her body, spread those beautiful thighs, and finally close my lips over her sweet little cunt.



My knees shake as I make my way to my private bathroom in disbelief. Surely I’m imagining the last two hours. That had to have all been in my head.

Roman. Fucking. DeAngelis.

Hooooly shit.

I knew it would be good, but goddamn, he had a lot of time and effort to make up for and make up for it he did! I’ve been with him a handful of times, but it’s either been as a group or a thorough pounding with the sole intention of clearing his head. The emotion was always taken out of it, but what we just did … that was different. It meant something and it was everything I’d hoped it would be.

Roman DeAngelis has finally cracked and admitted what we both have known from the very start, he’s wickedly in love with me, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. He’s been pushing me away since day one, but every single time, it’s only made the connection between us stronger. Now, the only problem is getting me to admit the same.

I know the feelings are there, same with both Levi and Marcus, but actually saying them out loud is terrifying. Maybe the boys are much stronger than I am, after all. But to be fair, those three little words may have slipped out with Marcus, but I was in the moment, my back slammed up against a small closet door during a ball, and I can’t be blamed for the word vomit that tore out of me after such a thorough fucking.

Closing the bathroom door behind me, I prance to the shower, leaning in and turning the spray on full blast as I allow myself only a moment to come to terms with everything that’s just happened.

Does this mean that Roman and I are together now? I’m almost certain it does, but when a man like Roman DeAngelis is making the rules, one can never be too sure. All I know is that the moment he stepped into my room and looked deep into my eyes, I knew it was time. And hell, it’s been a long time coming.

A soft gasp slips through my lips as I step directly under the water, far too distracted by Roman to have checked the temperature first. The water quickly warms and I ease back into it, tipping my head under the hot spray. I’m covered in a sheer layer of sweat, and after two hours of hot, needy fuckery, this shower is like a sparkly, bright red cherry on top.

After rinsing shampoo from my hair, I grab the soap and lather it between my hands, and just as I’m about to spread it over my body, a soft rap sounds at the door before it’s pushed open. “I’m gonna figure out something for dinner,” he says. “Are you all good in here?”

His eyes darken as he watches my hands roam over my body, spreading the soap over every inch of skin. “I’m more than good,” I tell him, my tone dropping at the sheer memory of his thick cock pushing deep inside of me as his lips claimed my throat, but today, his tongue was definitely the MVP. This man has skills that most could only dream of. “Perfectly alright, unless there’s something you needed …”

A low groan tears from deep in his chest as my soapy hand travels lower and lower down my body. “Fuck,” he murmurs, swallowing hard, mesmerized by my movements. He adjusts his cock in his pants and if it weren’t for the fact that he has one hell of an important business meeting to prepare for after dinner, he’d probably already be in here with me on my knees and his thick cock hitting the back of my throat. “Don’t fucking tempt me.”

My hand dips between my legs and a soft gasp slips between my lips as my thumb brushes past my clit. My eyes flutter at the sudden onslaught of pleasure, but as I focus on Roman again, his eyes are flaming with a wild need. “What a shame you’re busy,” I taunt. “I’ll have to call one of your brothers up here.”

His eyes blaze and I laugh, pulling my hand back. I’m more than happy to go again, but I’d be lying if I said that I wasn’t a little worn out. I’ve been dicked high and low, left and fucking right. One dick, two dicks, three. This pussy needs a break, if only for a night. “Go,” I laugh. “I’ll be out in a minute.”

His dark gaze narrows as he watches me a moment longer, but after a short pause, he finally nods. “Okay, just call out if you need anything.”

A warm smile spreads over my face, and as the strain from his need seeps away and he’s left with nothing but adoration, I’m once again reminded of just how fucked up this is. It’s going to take some getting used to. Hell, what are we supposed to say to each other now that I don’t need to argue with everything he says? I’m sure we’ll find that common ground eventually and everything will just fall into place, but it’ll definitely be an adjustment.

Roman goes to walk away, and as his gaze drops, it immediately becomes plagued with deep thought. The door closes between us and I let out a heavy breath. He’s nervous about tonight’s meeting with the family, all three of the boys are, but I believe in them. They’re going to gain the family’s loyalty and Giovanni will have no choice but to bow out.

Not wanting the boys to get lost in their thoughts for too long, I quickly finish in the shower and grab a towel. I dry off and get myself sorted out before stepping back out into my room and finding something to wear that demands respect but doesn’t scream desperate. The options are endless, but at the same time, I also feel as though I have absolutely nothing to wear. After all, tonight’s meeting is going to be monumental, and I want it to be perfect.

Fuck, it sucks being a woman.

After twenty minutes of back and forth, I settle with a pair of black pants, knee-high boots, and a crop. Fuck the whole trying to impress bullshit. It’s too hard. I gave it a good try, but I can’t keep changing my mind like this. It’s driving me insane. Besides, if they don’t like me the way I am, then fuck them.

Striding out of my room, I listen for the boys. I can faintly hear Roman down in the kitchen, and the soft thumping of Levi’s drums sails through the air. A sweet peace settles through my chest. I could more than get used to a life with the boys. It’s unconventional, but it’s perfect.

My stomach growls and I start making my way down to Roman when goosebumps spread over my skin and an unsettled feeling fills my stomach. My back stiffens and my gaze shifts through the hallway as the odd sensation of being watched nags at me.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Depraved Sinners Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025