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Four Good

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I sit, and Brendan pushes in my chair as I do so. You don’t often see such fancy manners in this former dive bar.

“How’s your day been?” Brendan asks, taking the chair next to me. He lets his leg rest against mine, sending sparks up the side of my body.

“Good,” I say. “I did chores around the house. Nothing exciting.” I actually buzzed around my house all day, cleaning things that were long overdue for attention, needing to burn off restless energy. I’m pretty sure Roscoe got tired just watching me. “How did you spend your day?”

“We went fishing,” Corbin says.

I nod, not at all surprised. When it’s not beach season, fishing is the number one reason people come to the island.

“Any luck?” I ask.

“Not yet,” he says, his blue eyes drilling into mine. “That’s going to be up to you.”

I silently tap the pads of my fingers on the tabletop and bounce my leg against Brendan’s as I hold Corbin’s gaze. Am I really going to go through with this?

“We’d have been here sooner, but our fishing guide kept talking long after we returned to the dock,” Jonathan says.

“He was a nice guy,” Brendan adds.

“I assumed you were with whoever you found to take back to your place last night,” I say, looking at all three of them in turn.

Jonathan narrows his eyes in confusion, while Corbin shakes his head.

“Why would we have done that?” Brendan asks.

“Why wouldn’t you?” I ask with a smile. “You’re on vacation. You were looking to give someone … ‘multiple peaks of pleasure.’”

“You have that wrong,” Corbin says. “We’re looking to give you pleasure. You. Not some other woman.”

I lean back, pressing my shoulder blades into the hard wooden chair. “But you don’t even know me. I know my worth, but I also know I’m not the hottest thing around.”

“First of all, you’re very wrong about that,” Jonathan says. “You are a smoke bomb.”

“You’re very beautiful,” Corbin says, “and we could see right away that you’ve got a certain kind of confidence about yourself.”

Brendan leans in, his arm now pressing against mine, the scent of him prompting me to take in greedy gulps of air. “When we’re together, we look for women who strongly appeal to all three of us. Our tastes don’t always overlap, but they line up perfectly with you.” His hand brushes briefly against my thigh before he leans back.

“So you don’t always … work together?” I ask. It’s something I’d been wondering.

“We prefer to, but no, not always,” Brendan says.

“I’m curious,” I say. “Why do you prefer to be together with a woman? Most men I’ve known would be too possessive for that type of thing. Or too competitive.”

“We can be very competitive, but not when it comes to women,” Jonathan says. His hair is mostly dry now, and starting to become unruly. I wonder if it’s as soft as it looks.

“We might each have different reasons,” Brendan says. “I like seeing my brothers enjoy themselves, and I like sharing intense experiences with them. Same as when we’re scaling cliffs or exploring caves.”

“Exploring caves? Is that a euphemism?” I ask.

Brendan and Jonathan laugh out loud, the blended sound echoing a rumble in my core.

Corbin is smiling, though his tone is serious. “As I said yesterday, we work together very well. It’s just a fact. We’ve always been close, and sometimes we communicate without words. When we’re out on our adventures, we need to trust each other completely. The first time we shared a woman, something just clicked.”

Shared a woman. My pussy pulses as my brain spins new fantasy material. What exactly would it be like to be shared? I think there’s only one way to find out.


Second chances

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