Four Good - Page 50

As we walk back to the car, I say, “I was going to drive over to my house to check on things, but since we’re out, would you mind stopping by there? It’s not too far out of the way.”

“Of course,” Brendan says. “Just tell me where to go.”

A few minutes later, we’re on Sheila’s doorstep, her eyes going wide when she sees all four men standing behind me. She invites us in for something to drink, and since none of us are in a hurry, we take her up on the offer.

Roscoe makes a beeline straight for Jay, but quickly moves on to sniff the Hayes brothers, too. All four men meet the approval of both Roscoe and Trixie, and the two dogs dance around as if they’ve not had visitors in years.

“How are you doing?” Sheila asks as I follow her into her kitchen to help with the drinks.

“Really good,” I say.

“I’ll bet. How are things going with your ex? I have to say, that took me by surprise.”

“Me too.”

She lines up a row of glasses on the counter. “Are you getting back together?”

“No,” I say, quickly shaking my head. “He’s just in town for a couple more days.”

“Oh, okay.” Sheila was heading toward the refrigerator but she turns and looks at me. “Are you okay with that?”

“Yeah. Why wouldn’t I be? It’s been nice seeing him again. We’re both such different people than we used to be. Everything between us feels like ancient history now.”

“Okay.” Sheila sounds thoughtful, or maybe doubtful. I’m not sure which.

When she’s poured lemonade into two of the six glasses, she says, “Want to take these out? I’ll get the rest.”

Back in the living room, both dogs are still excited, trying to get as much attention from the four men as they can.

“I love your dog,” Jonathan says, rubbing Roscoe’s ears. “He’s a cool dude.”

I let out a laugh. “He usually sleeps all day. You all seem to bring out a different side in him.”

“We talk about getting a dog sometimes,” Corbin says. “We all wish we could have one, but it just doesn’t make sense with our travel schedule.”

I nod and hand a glass to both Brendan and Corbin.

“Why don’t you bring Roscoe over to the house?” Brendan asks.

“The beach house? Are you allowed to have dogs stay there?” I ask.

“I don’t remember anything in the rules against it,” he says. “He doesn’t look like he’s the destructive type, is he?”

“All he needs is a soft place to sleep and he’s happy,” I say, “though now he also seems to need all of you.”

As soon as I speak, something tightens in my chest. The words hit much too close to home.


Real life awaits

After taking care of Bea, packing items for Roscoe and myself, and saying goodbye to Sheila with many thanks for looking after things for me, we leave for the beach house, with Roscoe squeezed onto the backseat between Jonathan and me.

These past couple of days with the men have felt like a fantasy life, entirely separate and apart from my real life, but having Roscoe with me somehow makes everything seem real, and I’m not sure that’s a good thing.

“I’m back on dinner duty this evening,” Jay tells me when we arrive. “Will it be okay if I give you your massage later tonight?”

“Any time is perfect for me,” I say in a singsong voice intended to remind him about my golf victory.

Tags: Stephanie Brother Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024