Taking the Leap (River Rain 3) - Page 100

“Baby,” he growled.

He could tell by her face she wanted it in her mouth.

He wanted it somewhere else.

Fortunately, he was bigger and stronger than her.

She lost purchase when Rix twisted and landed on his ass in the bed.

Alex made a mew of protest.

He swung her to straddling him.

She instantly got with the program.

Their hands bumped when they both went to position him.

She pulled away first.

He pulled away when she bore down on him.

“God, fuck,” he groaned, reaching up to tug the band out of her ponytail.

She moved on him.

Her hair tumbled down.

He took a fistful of it and pulled it back.

She moved faster on him.

He yanked the cup of her bra down and sucked in her tit.

She moaned, her pussy convulsed, and now she was milking him.

He left her tit out, went to her mouth, and encouraged, “Go, baby. Fuck me.”

Alex wrapped her arms around him, eyes hot and wild, cunt hungry, and she fucked him.

Dazed and gorgeous, he nearly lost control when she breathed, “Rix.”

“Right here, honey.”

“You’ll never lose me.”

Then she arched deep and came in his lap.

Rix watched, got off on her beauty, grasped her hips and guided her to give him the same.

His neck was bent, face in her tits, her arms around his head, when he came down.

“I’m gonna clean up this time,” she said quietly.

He tipped his head back to refute that, but she got there before him.

“If you leave my bed, I’ll…”

She didn’t finish.

He felt his lips quirk. “You’ll what?”

“Be mad,” she stated firmly, and totally lamely.

“Couldn’t have that,” he muttered.

“Huh,” she huffed, pressed her lips to his, unfortunately giving him no tongue, then climbed off him.

He was still hard so he grunted at losing her.

But she quickly made her way to the bathroom.

He fell back and hitched up his jeans, tucking his cock in. He wasn’t big on losing her, but he had to admit, the handling and scrape on his slick, sensitive dick after having her back felt fucking great.

He didn’t bother doing up his jeans or even sitting up.

She came back, bra righted, and untangled her panties from her own jeans. She slid them up then climbed in bed with him.

Just his head raised, Rix watched all that.

He let it fall to the bed when she fell full body on him.

“We gotta practice your threats,” he teased.

“You didn’t move from my bed,” she pointed out.


He grinned.

He stopped grinning when he noticed her eyes were swollen.

He framed the side of her face and stroked under her eye with the pad of this thumb, and it was a groan when he said, “I’m sorry.”

Alex pressed into his hand, then dropped her head and shoved her face in his neck.

Rix curled his arms around her and shared, “It always keeps coming, Alex.”

“What does?”

He didn’t answer.

He gave orders.

“You need to call me on it. You need to get in my face. You need to shake my shit. You need to make certain I don’t fuck up again.”


“And that’s not fair to you. That shouldn’t be yours.”


“If I was whole, you wouldn’t have to deal with that kinda shit.”

Her body locked.

“From the beginning, I’m holding you back,” he continued, “when we both knew we were in deep. That was some stupid shit.”

“We need to go back to—”

“And it isn’t on. I don’t even wanna think about where your head was at the last coupla days. You threw a fucking surprise party for me, my folks came down, all my buds were here, and I walk out on you? Fuck.”

She lifted up and wrapped her fingers over his mouth.

“Would you shut up?” she demanded. “God, I don’t even have a shot at busting your balls. You’re too busy doing it for me.”

She glared in his face.

It was pretty hilarious.

He didn’t laugh.

When she seemed to ascertain it was safe to do it, she took her hand from his mouth and demanded, “How are you not whole?”

“Babe.” It was a quiet admonition.

“Okay, yes, right. I’ll rephrase. You’re whole to me. You lost something, and I’m not negating that. It left you with baggage. I’m not saying that’s not heavy. But Rix, honey, stop making up shit to make it worse. I don’t get it, but I’m in this with you, and I get that you’re carrying it. Don’t add me. I’m not a weight to be carried, and frankly, honey, it doesn’t feel good that you think of me that way.”

“I shouldn’t have done that to you,” he pressed.

“We both agree. But it’s over, right?”

“It’s never over,” he warned.

“I know. But this one is. Right?”

“I just don’t want you to think you should let me shit on you because I got shit to deal with.”

“Okay, lesson learned. What’s next?”

He framed her face in both hands because he needed her to get this.

“Alex, I hurt you, and I am not down with that.”

Tags: Kristen Ashley River Rain Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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