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Cowboy Up (Lucas Brothers)

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“I think we get along pretty damn good, Doe. The fact that you might be pregnant is proof of that.”

“I think it’s proof we had hate sex,” she counters, not willing to give an inch.

“I’ve never hated you, honey. Not even when I tried really hard.”

“You could have fooled me.”

“And maybe myself. How about we go take your test together. Then, we’ll figure the rest out.”

“I don’t think both of us are needed to take the test unless you just enjoy peeing on sticks. Which, hey, if that’s your thing, go with it. God knows you had a lot of quirks that you never told me about.”

“What does that mean?”

She looks at me, and I see something—some kind of unknown emotion moves over her face—then, it’s gone almost as quick as it appeared. “It doesn’t matter anymore. I don’t suppose it ever did. I’ll go take the damn test.”

“I’ll go with you,” I respond, straightening up and getting ready to leave with her.

“You try to go into the bathroom with me while I’m peeing and it will be the last thing you ever do, Moonie.”

“How about you quit trying to tempt me into spanking your ass, Doe?” I grumble as I walk behind her—my gaze dropping down to look at the curve of said ass, itching to get my hands on it.

“I’m serious. You can wait in the bedroom.”


I reach around her to push the door open, and she huffs out a breath. I know I’m annoying her, but I ignore it. I need to figure out what to do here. All I can think of is that if Meadow is pregnant, I need to be very careful because I want to end up with her and our baby living under my roof. I’m going to have to fight hard to get that. It’s okay. I’m a Lucas.

We don’t give up.

Chapter 16


I close the bathroom door and take a moment to just lean on it. I barely recognize the fact that I’m trembling. My nerves are shot. I managed to look in control in front of Blue, but the truth is, I’m a mess. I don’t want to take this test. I don’t want to be pregnant. Being pregnant is a complication that I can’t handle right now—especially with Blue being the father.

At one time in my life, I wanted nothing more than to have Blue’s babies. That was a different lifetime, though. I was a different person then, too. I don’t know what Blue has up his sleeves, but I know him well enough to know that he’s not going to fade into the woodwork if I am pregnant. That small fact scares the hell out of me. I don’t know what to do with Blue.

I never did.

I force my legs to walk and go to the bathroom sink. I get the pregnancy test and stare at it. My head drops down as I try to steady my queasy tummy. I push all thoughts from my brain and go through the motions as I take the test. I come out holding the stick and find Blue sitting on my bed. I put the stick on my nightstand and, without thought, sit down beside him.

“Is it positive?” he asks quietly. I can’t decide what is in the tone of his voice. It almost sounds like hope—which is crazy.

“I don’t know. We have to wait,” I answer.

“How long? I thought these damn things gave instant results these days.”

“It says conclusive results can take up to ten minutes. Even so, I should follow up at the doctor. It might be wrong. It’s not like peeing on a stick is real lab work in a clinic.”

“Then maybe we should go to the clinic?”

“Let’s just see if there’s something to worry about first. This could all be for nothing. I really think I caught the latest bug going around. When you have kids, they bring home everything,” I reason. Inside my head, there’s a tiny voice that reminds me that Adam hasn’t been sick, but I tell it to shut up.

“Is this a bad time to tell you that I’m going to be a part of your life regardless of what that test shows, Doe?”

“What are you talking about?” I ask, forcing myself to turn my head and look at him.

“I’m saying that, once again, I thought I lost you forever to another man. I’m not willing to let that happen again.”

“Lost me forever? Blue, you and I aren’t together. We haven’t been anything to one another in a very long time.”

“I don’t think you’re being honest with yourself. What we had in the past is still there. We just have to sift through the ashes and the fallout to find it. We may not be in each other’s lives right now, but I think that needs to change.”

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