Cowboy Up (Lucas Brothers) - Page 58

She steps away and the curtains part. They reveal Hamburger, a medium-sized bull that doesn’t exactly look like a normal bull now. His hair has been brushed and blow dried. He looks… fluffy. Added to that, riding Hamburger—like he does it every day—is Gladys, the rooster. That’s not all that has rendered me speechless, though.

“Sweet Jesus, what has she done?” Jansen hisses. Everyone else is just staring at the spectacle in front of them, unsure of what to say. I know that’s it because I feel the same.


“Yeah, baby?” I murmur, unable to look away.

“Is that rooster wearing sunglasses with rhinestones?”

“I think so, buddy,” Blue answers for me.

“And Hamburger is wearing a tiara,” I add. “I think he even has false eyelashes…”

“The rooster has a scarf on,” Adam says.

“That’s a feather boa, buddy,” Blue says. “A gold one.”

“What’s Hamburger wearing?” Adam asks.

“I think angel wings,” I answer, squinting to make sure I’m not seeing things. Does she think Hamburger is a Victoria’s Secret model?

“Lovey, I’m going to tan your ass!”

“I’d like to see you try, Jan!”

“You did every bit of this because I told you to stop treating that thing like a baby!”

“He’s not a thing. He’s a bull!”

“No, he’s not. I don’t know what he is, but you better keep him away from the rest of the livestock or our damn ranch will go bankrupt.”

“Oh, stop. It will not. You’re just being ornery because my Hamburger is going to be a big star.”

“He’s not going to be as big as my Gladys! Anyone can see he’s the talent,” Rooster yells.

I wince because I know that’s not what you should say to Ida Sue. She loves that cow.

“You take that back right now, Rooster!” Ida Sue yells, marching toward the man.

“I’m just stating the facts, old woman,” he argues.

“Who are you calling old, you ole codger. I’ll turn you from a rooster to a hen with one swift kick,” she gripes, taking off for Rooster, who I think is too stubborn to run—and he really should. Before Ida Sue can make good on her threat, though, she gets scooped up by Jansen. He carries her off, kicking and screaming.


“Yeah, Doe?”

“Your family really is crazy,” I laugh as I watch Jansen move Ida Sue over his shoulder and slap her ass hard with his hand.

Chapter 35


It’s been a hell of a day, but probably one of the best I can remember. Meadow is in the largest guest room tucking her mother in. I’m doing the same with Adam, and I love every damn minute of it. This is what I want. This is what my house needs. It’s felt so big and empty that I had begun to hate it.


“Yeah, buddy?”

“Thanks for including me today. I had a lot of fun.”

“C’mon, Adam, you were the one that helped me all day. I would have been lost without you.”

“You mean it?”

“I sure do. I wouldn’t say it if it wasn’t true. A man doesn’t have anything if he doesn’t have honesty.

“Can I ask another question?”

“Are you doing it just to stay awake?” I laugh.

“No—well, not really. I don’t want today to end, though.”

“We’ll have a lot more days together, Adam. I promise. But go ahead and ask your question.”

“River says you love my mom. Do you?”

I clear my throat. I’m not sure how to handle this. I’m not an expert at dodging the pitfalls that can come when you’re dealing with kids. I rub the side of my face and then look Adam in the eyes.

“I do. I’ve always loved your mom. I lost her because I was an idiot, and I’ve regretted it every day since.”

“Mom’s been hurt a lot,” Adam says, suddenly looking older than he should for his age.

“I know and I also know that I’m the reason for a lot of that pain. I’m going to make it up to her. Somehow, I promise you that I will.”

“Are you going to marry her?”

“If she will have me, then, yes, absolutely.”

“If you marry my mom, you’ll be my stepdad—like Jansen is yours,” he reasons. “That would make me part of the family—just like River.”

“That it would,” I admit, my chest feeling tight at seeing the hunger in Adam’s face. I can feel Meadow staring at me. I know she’s hearing this conversation, but I’m not about to laugh this off. Adam needs reassurance and by God, I’m going to give it to him.

“Adam, I need you to hear me. You already are part of the family. I love you. That won’t ever change no matter what happens between your mother and me.”

“You do?” he asks, his little eyes wide with surprise and a hunger that I recognize because I felt the same when Jansen came into my life.

“I told you I’d never lie to you.”

“Maybe we could go fishing or something sometime. You know, just you and me. Like Luka does with River.”

Tags: Jordan Marie Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024