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Cowboy Up (Lucas Brothers)

Page 83

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“You don’t have to look so cocky,” she mutters. She’s grinning while she says it, however.

“We didn’t catch it earlier because she must have been hiding.”

“She?” Meadow asks, her eyes going wide.

“I’m sorry, the nurse didn’t leave instructions to keep the sex hidden.”

“No, we want to know. Don’t we, sweetheart?” Meadow asks, squeezing my hand, happiness written all over her face.

“We do,” I respond with a nod, clearing my throat as emotion gets the better of me.

“Well, it’s not exact because you’re fairly early in your pregnancy. Still, we can usually be pretty secure in telling you after fourteen weeks. You have two perfectly healthy little girls.”

“Girls,” she breathes, looking at me with tears shining in her eyes.

The news fills me with a warmth I didn’t know was possible. “It appears Adam and I are going to be outnumbered,” I laugh.

“Yeah,” she whispers.

“I’ll leave you two alone,” the doctor says after cleaning off Meadow’s stomach. “I’ll have the staff schedule you for a follow-up. We’ll start having regular visits from here out. I’d like to see you again in about three weeks. If anything changes, just call and we’ll work you in earlier.”

“Thank you, doctor,” I respond. He smiles at both of us as he leaves.

Things have changed in the short time since Meadow and I finally worked out our issues. I finally convinced her to move in with me. Which means, I have her, Adam, and Miss Leddie in the house now. It finally feels like a home.

Meadow hated giving up the animal shelter. I told her we had plenty of property if she wanted to start her own. She decided against that. Right now, she’s decided to just enjoy time with Adam and being pregnant. I’m more than happy with that decision. She’s mentioned taking some business classes and I’m encouraging her. When we were in high school, she had this dream to open her own business dealing in all organic soaps, shampoos, and the like. She makes her own now and I know she’d be great at it.

“What are you thinking?” she asks.

I look down at the plain gold band on her hand, then slowly move my gaze back to her beautiful face.

“That my wife is beautiful and she’s going to give me two girls just like her?”

She rolls her eyes, grinning up at me. “You realize when your mother finds out we got married without telling anyone she will give us hell.”

“I have a plan.”

“What’s that, Moonie?”

“We’ll tell her that you’re carrying her two beautiful granddaughters that we’re naming them Ivy and Posey. While she’s celebrating, we can slip it in that we’re married.”

She scrunches up her nose. “Posey? That’s a no. I could possibly live with Ivy, though.”

“I don’t really care. I just know that if we name our daughters after flowers, it might make her happy.”

“How about Lily and Paisley?”

“Lily and Paisley Lucas,” I murmur. “I like it.”

“Me, too.”

“Do you know how much I love you, Meadow Lucas?”

“I do, because I love you the same, Moonie.”

She stands up and we walk out of the exam room together, hands joined.

“I really am going to have to start spanking your ass for using that name,” I mutter.

She turns to look at me, taking a step to close the small distance between us. Her body presses up against mine and automatically I wrap her in my arms.

“Is that a promise, cowboy?”

“The handcuffs are still on the bed post from last night,” I point out.

“We have three hours before we must pick Adam up at school and Mom at her book club.” She grins at me.

“I don’t usually like being timed, but I guess I can make an exception.”

She laughs. “We have Adam and apparently, two more girls on the way. You should probably get used to being on a timer, Blue.”

“I guess so,” I mutter, giving her a quick kiss before continuing toward the front desk.

“Cheer up. You’ll do fine.”

“I appreciate your confidence in me, Doe.”

“Sure, I mean, you’re a cowboy, right? Who else could give me the ride of my life?”

I laugh. I’m not one to laugh or talk much at all—or at least I wasn’t until Meadow came back into my life. Years ago, I took one look at her and thought she was the prettiest girl I ever saw. I knew I wanted to be around her—stay near her. Even then I knew how special she was. How could I not? She’d walk into a room and it would light up.

Now, I know the truth. She lights up everything.

Because Meadow is my world.

* * *

The End

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