Party Toy for 2 Men (Forbidden Fun) - Page 11



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This asshole is so fucking ballsy. He thinks he’s going to come over and make off with my date? Hell no, I don’t think so. That isn’t how things work.

“We were here first,” I say in a smooth tone to Corrie. “This asshole can get lost.”

“Asshole?” Justin laughs and it’s an ugly sound. “I don’t think so. What does being first have to do with anything? Is it like, oh, I arrived in the New World first, so it’s all mine? From New England to California? Some kind of conquistador, God Save the Queen shit?”

I glower.

“What the fuck are you talking about?”

I size up the other man. He’s tall, and even to my eyes, devastatingly good looking. He’s got black hair brushed off his forehead, as well as blue eyes that are shooting sparks at the moment. His suit is cut in that way that trendy hipsters like – with short arms and legs, which usually looks terrible but on him, actually looks decent. I recognize the designer. It’s some green brand that uses recycled materials.

But we have a problem, so I turn to my date.

“Corrie, it seems we have a conundrum at the moment. Both of us believe we should be spending time with you tonight, so which of us do you want to go on a date with? It’s only fair that you choose.”

The pretty girl bites her lip and looks between us. Her eyes glitter with tears as she says in an anguished whisper, “I can’t choose. Please don’t put me in this position…”

“You put yourself here by double booking us,” I point out gently. “I know it was an accident, but which of us did you really want to go out with? If you could only have one, which would you take? Me or him?”

Corrie shakes her head, looking wretched.

“No, that’s an impossible question,” she says. “I wouldn’t have agreed to the dates if I didn’t want to go out with both of you.”

“Come on, you have to like one of us more,” I command, a little harshly this time. “The choice is clear here.”

Corrie looks on the verge of bawling, and the asshole steps in then.

“Shut the fuck up,” Justin growls. “Leave her alone. Can you tell that you’re haranguing her? Seriously, back off, asshole.”

I stare at him.

“Then what do you suggest we do, genius? What’s your solution?”

He shrugs.

“You leave. What did you think?”

Now, I’m pissed.

“Oh really, that’s your solution? Me leave? Why don’t you leave, you fucking fuckface? Go on, Corrie, choose,” I grind out.

But Justin’s not done yet either.

“Wow, you really think you’re God’s gift to women, don’t you?” he asks, rolling his eyes as if I’m a high school twerp. “Come on, honey,” he says brusquely to Corrie. “Let’s go and leave this rich prick to his own devices.”

I turn to him, fire burning in my eyes. “What the hell did you just call me?” Then I push my chair back with a harsh scrape, standing to go nose to nose with the other man. By now, quite a few patrons are watching us, mouths agape.

At that, Corrie puts her arms between us. “Guys, please stop, you’re causing a scene,” she pleads tearfully.

Justin and I stare at each other for another few seconds, but then I back off with my arms up in surrender and he does the same. The tension in the air dissipates somewhat since crisis has been averted, but Corrie’s still anguished.

“Please. I don’t know what to do. You both seem great, but these are blind dates, so I don’t know you well enough to pick between you. We’re all just getting to know each other.”

But then I get an idea.

“How about a competition then?” I ask in a deceptively casual voice.

Justin rolls his eyes. “We’re not children. This isn’t pin the tail on the donkey.”

I merely raise my eyebrows.

“No, but a contest will make it easier to resolve this situation. After all, there will be a clear winner and a clear loser,” I say.

Both Corrie and Justin turn to look at me then.

“What do you have in mind?” she asks in a quiet voice.

I shrug, doing my best to look nonchalant. “I have a suite upstairs tonight at the Sherwood. What do you say the three of us go upstairs, order room service, and Justin and I will each fuck your brains out? Then, the man you like better will be the one you date.”

Her eyes widen. “What?!” she gasps at my vulgarity. “You must be joking!”

“I wouldn’t be surprised if she chose me right now,” Justin adds in an amused tone. “Seriously my man, what’s gotten into you? That was totally unnecessary.”

But the thing is that I’m serious and I shrug again.

“It takes forever to get to know someone’s personality and that’s not really going to happen after a few hours. But knowing someone’s body? Much faster and very pleasurable too, I might add. So why not? She’ll go for test drives with each of us, and then you’ll know who you’re more compatible with.”

Tags: Cassandra Dee Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024