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Party Toy for 2 Men (Forbidden Fun)

Page 16

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OMG, I ever going to see the two of them again?

The thought makes me frown because what if last night was just a one-off for them? Maybe it was just a dirty scene gone awry, and now Justin and Cameron are disgusted by my naughty ways. After all, I don’t think they planned it at all. How could they have? They didn’t even know each other before last night, and it was my mistake that got us into hot water.

Sighing, I rinse off and then step out of the shower before wrapping a thick, terry-cloth robe around my curves. My stomach growls to remind me that I haven’t eaten in forever, so I wander into the tiny kitchen of my apartment and grab some eggs from the fridge before pulling out a frying pan. Toast and fried eggs sound perfect right now, and my stomach grumbles in anticipation as I turn on the stove before adding oil to the pan.

But as I’m cracking the first egg, my phone rings. My heart jumps, hoping it’s Justin or Cameron, but instead it’s my friend Jemima. She’s Justin’s younger sister, and we’ve been buddies since forever.

“Hey!” I say, putting the phone on speaker while also frying up my eggs. Jemima’s face pops up on screen, and I marvel again at how pretty she is. She has sparkling brown eyes, wild chocolate curls, and an infectious smile. She’s definitely very popular with the male set, but right now, she just wants to know how things went with her older bro.

“Hey girl, so what happened last night? How was your date with my big bro?”

I crack another egg into the pan while managing a rueful smile. “Jem, I totally screwed up.”

She gasps, her mouth in a round “O.”

“What? How is that possible? Why, what happened?”

I just giggle.

“I accidentally messed up the date and time. I made plans with Justin, and then somehow got everything mixed up and planned another date for the same night, place, and time. Pretty ironic, right?”

Jem gasps and grimaces a bit.

“Yeah, my brother mentioned it.”

I shoot her a look.

“Wait, you’ve talked with Justin already?”

She shakes her head.

“No, but Justin texted me quickly from the bar last night, saying something about a ten car pile-up, metaphorically of course. He didn’t really say what happened though, so that’s why I’m calling.”

I furrow my brow. “But did he say anything about what happened after?”

Jem shakes her head.

“No, he went silent then, so I figure he just went home? I mean, is that what happened?” she asks, fishing for answers.

I shake my head slowly.

“No, not exactly. I mean, things worked out.”

Jem starts bouncing up and down.

“So what happened?” she demands. “You were double-booked? OMG, you have to tell me.”

I grin at the phone.

“Well first, guess who the other date was with?”

Jem rolls her eyes.

“There are way too many men in the world to guess. I mean, it could literally be Peter Pan or Pinocchio.”

I roll my eyes.

“OMG, you’re being so ridiculous.”

“Just tell me!” Jemima pleads. “I’m dying here!”

I flip over my eggs and throw some bread into the toaster before responding. “It was Cameron Hanssen.”

Jem looks stumped.

“You mean billionaire Cameron Hanssen? The one who’s always in magazines with a different woman on his arm. Girl, you’re kidding right?”

I shake my head.

“No because actually, Cameron’s Patty Snyder’s brother in law, so she set us up. But I screwed it up pretty bad because I booked Justin and Cameron for the same night.”

Jem grimaces.

“Yeah, that sounds bad because both are really eligible men, and I’m not biased just because one is my brother. I mean, dang girl. You had the world in your hands and then it kind of went poof, right?”

I bite my lip and focus on preparing my breakfast for a minute because I’m still debating whether to tell Jem about what happened. Yes, she’s a good friend, but she’s also Justin’s younger sister. What if she flips out?

I plate the eggs and then butter my toast before retiring to my small dining table in the corner of the kitchen.

“Hello, Earth to Corrie?” Jem wheedles. “Tell me what happened last night! Justin didn’t call or text me, and I really want to know.”

I bite into my toast, still trying to buy time.

“Well, it kind of ended weird, but not in a bad way. Just not the way any of us expected.”

Jem stares at me, her brown eyes wide.

“You’re freaking me out. You didn’t kill one of them, did you? Please tell me it wasn’t Justin if you did. Say you put the other guy six feet under.”

I burst out laughing. “I would never kill another human being! Why is that where your mind went?”

“Because you’re not just telling me what happened!” she whines. “I have no choice but to jump to conclusions.”

“Fine,” I smile, putting my fork down. I could be making a big mistake by revealing my escapades to Jemima, but I don’t want to lie either. “Sorry if this is TMI, but I ended up sleeping with both Justin and Cameron last night,” I say in a rush.

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