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Party Toy for 2 Men (Forbidden Fun)

Page 26

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Cam snorts as he punches the man in his stomach, and a breathless “oof!” emits from the strange man’s mouth as pain spreads over his features.

“Consent? You know nothing about consent!” Cam rages. “I’ll show you what consent is.” Then Cam and I begin slugging away, beating on the smaller, naked man. I admit that this isn’t fair, but than again, what he’s done to Corrie is criminal. I clock him right on the cheek as he groans, clutching his stomach. Then Cam kicks him in his kidneys as the man curls up in a fetal position.

“Oh my God!” Corrie cries out. “Stop, stop! You’re going to kill him!”

But the fists keep flying, and finally, what stops us is the utter surrender of the man himself. He’s crying while rolled up like a beetle, and we can’t beat a man who’s down like this. Instead, we turn away in disgust and take Corrie in our arms.

“You’re safe now, honey,” I soothe. “Everything’s going to be fine.” She sobs some more.

“Is he dead? Did you kill him?”

Cam shakes his head grimly.

“No, unfortunately not. He’s just hurting real bad, but he deserves it,” he spits. “I’m so sorry this happened to you, baby girl. Are you okay?”

At that, we both cradle Corrie, pressing kisses to her hair and cheeks while making soothing noises. I steal one last glance over at her attacker, who’s moaning and writhing on the ground while clutching his head.

“I’m going to call security,” a woman breathes from behind us. “Just one sec.”

Sure enough, within a few moments, two men dressed all in black materialize before seizing the perpetrator under the armpits and dragging him out of sight. I have no idea where they’re taking him because Sanctum’s events are confidential, so the local jail hardly seems to be the right place. But it’s not my problem. He deserves whatever comes to him, whether it’s a flogging on the St. Andrew’s cross, or time in the stocks as he’s humiliated by a Domme.

Meanwhile, Corrie is still crying, her lush curves pressed against my chest.

“Corrie, sweetheart, can you tell us what happened?” I ask.

“Don’t push her,” Cam growls, his expression dark. But our girl looks up, wiping at her tears.

“It’s okay,” she manages in a trembling voice. “There’s not much to tell anyways. I was in the bathroom getting changed when this guy burst in out of nowhere! I thought he just walked into the wrong space, but then he threw me over his shoulder. I tried to fight him off, but it was impossible.”

I clench my fist. “Then what happened?”

Her face crumples again.

“I was so scared because he tied a rope around my neck, and threatened to strangle me if I didn’t do as he asked. Then he dragged me up a ladder.”

Cam and I pause then.

“A ladder?” my buddy queries.

“A ladder,” Corrie confirms. “He opened a panel in the ceiling, and we entered the duct work up above. We crawled around for what felt like forever because I think he got lost, to be honest. But then, he finally gave up and we ended up in the kitchen pantry, where you found us.”

I can hardly stop myself from rolling my eyes. The would-be criminal got lost in the building’s duct work? What a loser. But Corrie nods and continues her story.

“The man kept saying that this is what people do during an orgy so I shouldn’t struggle. He kept saying that I was going to fuck a ton of guys in the main room sooner or later, so I might as well just do it with him too. I refused, saying I didn’t come to Sanctum for that, but whenever I tried to protest, he jerked the leash around my neck. Then, he pushed me to the floor and got on top of me. That’s when you guys burst in.”

I’m shaking with the rage coursing through my veins, but attempt to control my anger so that I don’t scare Corrie.

“I’m so sorry that this happened,” I manage in a fairly soothing tone. “We never should’ve let you go off on your own.”

“I feel like it’s my fault,” Cam adds, his expression tortured. “Justin started to get worried about you, but I said we should let you take your time. If we had just come earlier, maybe none of this would have happened.”

Corrie squeezes Cameron’s arm and lets out a shuddering sigh. “No, don’t blame yourself because you had no way of knowing what was happening. Besides, you guys found me in just the nick of time, and that’s what matters. You saved me, and I’m so grateful,” she murmurs, tears springing to her eyes again.

I grit my teeth.

“Well, that motherfucker’s going to be punished some way, somehow, if I have anything to do with it.”

Cam nods, his expression grim.

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