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His Secret Sin

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There were always moments that made it at times impossible to enjoy. When he had to leave for long periods of time, or there was danger and he’d have twice as many guards around. She also knew he cleaned off any evidence of what he’d been doing, blood and things like that. Every single night, no matter the cost, he always came home to her. He’d slide into bed, kiss her neck, wrap his arms around her waist, and she just knew, those moments of fear and worry, were all worth it to feel him against her.

“What did you say?”

“Boyfriends only have one purpose.”

“Which is?”

“To be kicked in the nuts or hit. I don’t mind. Or if she has a gun, to shoot them.”


“I embellished with the gun thing. I’m not a complete psycho. Have some faith.”

“I do have faith, but you know what our girl is like.” Eliza was strong-willed, like her father, and determined to get what she wanted, again, a trait like her father. She had a good heart though. Family was the most important thing to her, and Belle couldn’t fault her for that.

“I do, which is why I kept it to the whole crushing nuts. We’re missing the point.” He gripped her ass. “It’s my birthday.”

“I know. The kids are in bed, and I’m right here. So, Diego, love of my life. What do you want to do? Fuck me hard on this sofa, or go to sleep because we know the kids will be up soon?”

He groaned. “You have to go and make those crazy demands, huh?” he asked.

She rubbed against his hardened dick. “What will it be?”

Diego was silent for a long time before finally giving her an answer. “I’m going to fuck you hard and then I’ll collapse into sleep.”

“Happy birthday, Diego,” she said.

He pulled her down, kissing her hard, and she knew there was no way life could get any better. He belonged to her just as she belonged to him. They were together, and so long as they were, nothing would ever tear them apart.

The End

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